n today's world of flexible work and intensive performance assessment, careers are often measured in months rather than decades。
"It's the people, stupid!" Nigel Nicholson, professor of organizational behaviour at the London Business School, offers this important piece of advice to anyone starting a new job. "It's not the job, it's the people in the organization," he explains. "Get to know them, get to know their perspectives, get to understand what's driving them, get to figure out what the psychological issues are, what the tensions are. The more you know, the better."
Nicholson has a simple rule about what people should bring to an organization:" I call it 'VIP': vision, identity and passion. If you can bring some of all those things with you, then you will find it easier to **municate in future." What does he think is the most important thing to remember in the first 100 days? "Don't worry about whether you're going to be able to do the job or not。That's never the issue. It's the relationships that matter; the first thing is, think about the relationships."
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