出国英语强化课程Courses for Going Abroad
These courses are useful for helping integrate into life abroad. You will be well-trained to pass interviews,too.
求职面试课(Job Interview Class)
帮助您在面试中更好的推销自己,在求职竞争中持平一步. You will learn to cope with various English job interviews, improving self-promotion and staying a step ahead of the **petition.
移民面试课(Immigration Interview Class)
掌握与面试官交流的言语技能,圆您出国之梦. This course is intended to help familiarize you with **municating with Interview Officers.
大学入学面试课(Entrance Interview Class)
开拓英语视野,拓展英文思维,让您在面试中脱颖而出. You can learn skills to pass College entrance interviews. Your vocabulary,debating, and English ability can improve a lot.
海外留学指导课(Instruction of Study Overseas)
全面实用的语言技能训练,帮助您尽快适应海外生活及求学环境. You will learn essential language skills particularly useful for integration into the local life when you are studying or living abroad.
发音进阶课 (Advanced Pronunciation Class)
您将在短时间内攻克发音难点,迅速掌握纯正发音不再是梦想. You will be able to over**e difficulties within a short period as well as mastering standard pronunciation!
情景操练课(Simulation Practice Class)
掌握鲜活的纯正英语表达,实现您尽快融入英语社会环境的目标. This course will help you to improve your English through drills and exercises which will help you integrate into a new culture as fast as possible.
素质拓展训练课(Team Building Exercise)
英语能力与综合素质共同拓展,打造您的核心竞争力. Team Building Exercise with overall English training builds up your core **petitiveness
外教全部来自欧美母语**,发音纯正、国际视野,具备 TESOL、TEFL 等教学资格认证;