
    2016-07-27发布, 次浏览 收藏 置顶 举报
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  • 网报价格:电询    课程原价:电询
  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
  • 授课地址:深圳市福田区现代国际大厦
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发音不准?语法用错了?不会用复杂的句型表达自己的观点?…….不用担心,我们的老师会帮助到您。老师特有的教学方式让您扫除以往对学习英语枯燥的态度,learn it, use it, remember it. 课堂上通过讨论,分组玩游戏,角色扮演等各种方形来加强学生对学过知识运用的透彻性。

基础英语--Communication Basics

Communication Basics-is for those with little to no previous English training. This class begins with phonetics, letters, word and sentence structure basics. By the end of the course, the student will be able to speak basic English and hold a simple conversation. This class is taught by a Chinese national, so that the basics of English will be taught using Mandarin and can be fully understood.
Sample Sentences 例句:

结业:"What did you do last weekend?"

>>>日常英语(一)--Daily English Level I

Daily English Level I-is for those students who can already speak some simple sentences and understand simple questions. This class has a strong focus on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. By the end of this course, the student will be able to **municate at an elementary level in a variety of topics.
Sample Sentences 例句:

入学:"My name is Betty, nice to meet you."
结业:"The restaurant is on the northeast corner of the intersection."

>>>日常英语(二)--Daily English Level II

Daily English Level II- is for students that can already **munication using Elementary English on a variety of topics. In this course, grammar is reinforced and vocabulary is expanded on. By the end of this course, the student will be able to **municate in Elementary English on most topics without problem.
Sample Sentences 例句:

入学:"The restaurant is on the northeast corner of the intersection."
结业:"My handsome husband is an engineer."

>>>日常英语(三)--Daily English Level III

Daily English Level III- is for students who can already **municate with elementary English on most topics. Now, the focus is less on grammar and more on vocabulary, culture, and detailed . By the end of this course, the student should be able to speak in detail on a variety of topics.
Sample Sentences 例句:

入学:"My handsome husband is an engineer."
结业:"My handsome husband is an experienced engineer who just received a great job offer from Google."

>>>日常英语(五)--Daily English Level V

Daily English Level V-is for students who can already speak at an advanced level. Now the focus is on vocabulary, **plex grammar structure, and nearing fluency. Classes here go into heavy detail on a large variety of topics, pushing this students as hard as possible to **municate detail clearly. Once this level is **pleted, students will be at near fluency.
Sample Sentences 例句:

入学:"My husband is not only an experienced mechanical engineer who got a job offer at Google, but he is also quite the romantic!"
结业:"My husband is not only an experienced mechanical engineer who was able to secure a job at Google, but now he is also able to afford to take me out for dinner at the most expensive Sichuan restaurant in Shenzhen!"

>>>日常英语(六)--Daily English Level VI

Daily English Level VI-is for students who are nearing fluency. Here, the students will be pushed hard on **plex grammar, un**mon and difficult vocabulary, and western thinking, culture, and life. At the end of this course, students should be considered fluent in English.

>>>日常英语(四)--Daily English Level IV

Daily English Level IV- is for students who can already speak in detail on a variety of topics. There is again a strong focus on vocabulary here. By the end of this course, the student will be able to speak in detail on most topics. The student is now reaching an advanced level of English.
Sample Sentences 例句:

入学:"My handsome husband is an experienced engineer who just received a great job offer from Google."
结业:"My husband is not only an experienced mechanical engineer who got a job offer at Google, but he is also quite the romantic!"

更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠等学校信息,请进入 深圳加华语言学校 网站详细了解,免费咨询电话:400-998-6158

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