Business Advanced 商务高阶 | Level 20 | 应掌握词汇量9, | 精通商务英语,能够在任何商务领域和生活环境中流利地使用英语。完全适应全英语工作环境,胜任各级管理、行政、财务、营销、服务业等方面的商务交流,具备担任中*管理人员的资格。(500个场景练习,5000个句型及语言点和1000,000字阅读量) To use English fluently and effectively in authentic business settings. To be able to totally adapt in an all-English working environment; To handle business munications in all levels of management - administration, financial, marketing and service industry, etc. Qualification: Middle and Top management. (500 scenarios practice, 5000 sentence structures & language points and 1,000,000 words for intensive reading |
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