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雅思听力gao分难取并非定律,低分原因在于没有找到符合自身的好方法。由雅思听力实战教育面授的此听力课程,目的在于短时间冲破听力考试中的难点,并找到与自身相符合的有效方法,在解决听力弱势的情况下同时为总分提高增加法码!招生对象: 即将参加雅考或考后听力成绩不理想学员
1. gao效复习机经,强化训练题型,解决听力难点,对听力无保留揭密,迅速提高听力成绩。
2. 在巩固听力基础的同时,把握听力解题原则,攻克填空题、选择题。
3. 熟悉听力考试答题技巧,精细规避无效信息,提高答题准确率。
招生对象: 目前雅思成绩达4分或同等水平,希望更加精细吸收提高成绩的学员
入学测试: 在开课前,接受“测试组”设立的免费入学测试
★ 小班型,提高教师在教师过程中对每个学生的关注度,课堂教学更多揉入个性化辅导。
★ 课程内容设置依据实际英语水平,课时充足内容系统,高度契合学员的学习特点。
★ 用充分学时夯实语言基础,确保语言水平提高后进行雅思考试技巧讲解。
★ 主要针对英语基础薄弱者,增加雅思词汇语法阶段内容,让考生在短时间内提升英语基础,进入雅思段复习。
包含内容: 课后答疑+导师辅导+海外留学规划
考试报名: 办理*35个考场30天后的任意雅思考试
专用教材: 基础预备段课程:内部专用教材
上升的动词:increase, rise, surge, enlarge , swell , soar, enhance, climb, jump, augment , go up
下降的动词:decrease, descend , decline, drop, shrink, [wv]diminish[/vw], dwindle , taper
形容动词的副词:considerably, sharply, remarkably , dramatically, greatly, drastically , extremely, steadily, substantially , continually, continuously, moderately , respectively, generally, slightly, mainly, strikingly
Stock prices have been extremely volatile . They climbed steadily in the 1950’s, reached a peak in 1966, and then fluctuate d up and down until 1973, when they fell sharply. Stock prices had recovered substantially by the early 1980s when a major stock market boom again, sending to Dow Jones Industry Average (DJIA) to a peak of 2722 on August 25,1987. After a 17% decline over the next month and a half, the stock market experienced the worst one-day drop in its entire history on “Black Monday”, October 19, 1987, when the DJIA fell by more than 500 points, a 22% decline.
1. 主体做主语+increase
Between 1940 and 1985 the proportion of the elderly people increased remarkably from about 17% in Sweden and 9% in the USA to 13% and 15% respectively .
2. 年代做主语+saw + increase
The period from 1940 to 1985 saw a generally steady increase in the proportion of …
3.地点做主语+experienced +increase
Both the USA and Sweden experience d an alarming/moderately surge/increase in the proportion of…
1. 句子的衔接和句子结构的变化
2. 分词和比较结构的使用
3. 从句的使用
4. 整篇文章万万不可主观推理分析,否则扣分
首段是信息段,不能照抄*题,只能改写*题,概括主要的研究内容,研究对象,时间和地点。如果是两个图,*分开来写,句型常用while...shows…,…illustrate … (剑五P52,剑四P100剑四P54)
For example:
(首段)The three lines in the chart each show the changes in the proportion of the elderly people to the population of the USA, Sweden and Japan from 1940 till today. Also the chart gives predicte d date for the trends.
(主体段)Since 1940, the proportion in the USA has been slightly higher than that in Sweden at any given time, while that in Japan was always the smallest. Specially, the figures for the three countries in 1940 were 9%, 7%, 5% respectively. The changes in the proportion in the USA and Sweden are feature d mainly by steady increase although since 1980 the USA experienced somewhat declines. By contrast , Japan did not see increase substantially, sending it to a peak of 5% in 2007, the same as in 1940. According to the prediction since 2000, the upward trends will have been obvious in the three countries, but in Japan will soar at the fastest speed. Till/By 2040 the figure will have reached 27%, compare d with25% in the USA and 23% in Sweden.
In the term of the length of the Underground Railway System (URS), that in London ranks first among the six in that it reaches 394km, almost 36 times longer than that in Kyoto, the shortest. The second longest is in Paris (199km).
Focusing on the open date, we see that once again London URS was strikingly earlier than all other counterparts. Put it accurately , London opened the URS as early as in1863, 37 years earlier than that in Paris. By contrast, the youngest is LA who did not start to run URS until 2001.
To be located in the town centre,S2 is in the town centre, a non-traffic zone. As result, it is only accessible by the railway whereas the main roads are unavailable. Moreover, it is hemmed out the houses, meaning it’s convenient for the dweller s to do some shopping. In addition, it is closer to the south industry but far away from the north.
Unlike S2, S1 will be set in the countryside, where both the railway and main roads are ready. But the 44000 people from Bransdon and Crandson find it not easy to reach S1, although it is connected by the railway with Crandson. Furthermore, this site is far away from the two industry areas. However, it is convenient for those who live in Hindo.
To sum up, the two sites are different in many aspect s/ways.
流程示意图及步骤图(使用总分结构,着重对比和过程的描述,关键词firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, to begin with, and then, further more…)

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