(1) 择语的准确
准确性,就是要根据使用场合选用确切的语言形式。美国作家马克·吐温说:'The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is as great as that between lighting and the lighting bug.' 看一位烤鸭的以下写作例子:
[误] international cooperation can effectively boost the progress in improving the environment. For instance, signing international treaties restricts developed countries to produce carbon footprints due to industrial process, which contributes significantly to resolving global warming.
牛津英语搭配词典释义boost跟progress可不是固定搭配。可以改为accelerate, facilitate。restrict搭配不当。查一下restrict的用法,一般只能跟sth., 不能加sb. to do sth.的。只有~oneself to (doing) sth. produce和carbon footprint搭配不当。碳足迹不能跟produce搭配的。改为greenhouse gases就可以了
[误] Environmental problems such as oil spills and dust storms are so widespread that they can hardly be confined to one single country or region. Consequently, mutual aid to each other is highly necessary.
牛津高阶英汉词典对mutual的释义是' common to or shared by two or more parties' 那么原句中'each other'则为重复。同义重复是汉语表达方式的一大特征:汉语四字成语,前后两字一般同义;汉语对联,左右两边基本同义。由于汉语讲究对称和平行,因而语义重复难以避免。英语表达习惯则恰恰相反,同义重复是选词造句的大敌。了解这一点,对于提高英语选用词语的能力非常重要。所以烤鸭们在平时写作中应该注意多余的或转弯抹角的词语都不利于明白地表达思想。
(3) 择语的生动感
[误] I think it is true that in almost every country today each household and family generates a large amount of waste every week.
牛津双解词典的解释为' means to cause it to begin and develop' 改为produce简单明了。
让我们再来分析下几组同义词important, significant , magnificent
1. The organization is planning an important conference about public fund.
2. It is a significant contribution to the society.
3. We have visited the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower.

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