课程介绍:雅思阅读大师gao分班*分有方法 [课程新升级]
雅思考试阅读难?拿7 分或更gao分是梦想?雅思阅读大师让您短时间内梦想成真! 由雅思阅读专业教育亲自面授,题题,传授阅读gao分必杀技。
1. 官方考试*题思路。
2. 灵活运用各种题型解题技巧各个击破。
3. 无需通读全文而准确定位题目答案。
4. 独特而有效的理解视角 。
课程介绍:雅思口语考前冲刺培训,gao分不是梦 [课程新升级]
由*雅思 口语超级海归导师YAYA、雅思口语人气王IKE任教。雅思口语技巧在雅思考试Interview面试部分充当着重要的角色,而口语也是易于 短期获得*分以获得gao分的单项。环球教育一级口语教育不单单讲授其它口语老师般的口语题型、流利表达,其更大特征是注重考试信息、*题准确、开发技巧、调 整常规思路、纠正考试细微点。
招生对象: 需考前口语冲刺学员、考后口语单科分数不理想学员
Question: What method of learning works best for you?
1. Independent learning
The method that works best for me is independent study. The most important skill any student should learn in college is to learn by him/ herself.
When you study independently, you don’t have to catch up with fast students and you don’t have to wait for slow students. You can totally control your own speed of learning. So learning efficiency is very high.
You can enjoy academic freedom by choosing the subject that you’re interested in to learn. So you can be very absorbed in learning. And what’s more, you are always making new discoveries. Isn’t that exciting? And after you learn something without any outside help, the feeling of achievement is very strong. (114 Words)
2. Lecture class
When you go to a lecture class, you see a lot of new people, so your chances of making new friends increase. And since so many people are learning the same class, you know you’re in the right place because not all people are wrong.
The most obvious advantage of a lecture class is that there’s a teacher. And this person is the engineer of the whole class.
He or she has a clear objective in teaching and will improve the students learning efficiency by using a syllabus . So you find you learn very fast. (95 words)
3. Lab class / class trip
The primary purpose of learning is to use our knowledge and to see our learning results in real life. So if you have a lab class or class trip, you can deepen your understanding of the new knowledge, you can consolidate such new information.
When you do a lab experiment, you practice your theories and make sense of them. And when you go to a class trip, you can see the real figures in museums.
Well, seeing is believing. This method makes learning more interesting and vivid . (87 words)
4.Seminar / discussion class
Seminars usually only have a limited number of people. So you can get the personal attention that you can’t get at a lecture.
You can ask questions and answer questions. This is healthy academic interaction . And when you discuss or debate with a classmate, you can exchange ideas, communicate information, and share learning experience.
It’s always a win-win situation. (59 words)
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