书面上可以看到的评分准则有四项。分别是语法,词汇,发音和流利度. 只有在理解这四项的基础上,我们才可以分析出*分的方法。
词汇和语法的评分很接近,重点考察考生是否能把正确的词用在合适 的场景和合适的时间。所以,我个人认为一味的使用生僻词汇和高难度词汇别不能达到*分的目的,这在我们的教学工作中也是得到验证的。
雅思口语对发音的要求有两个层面。一,考生的发音是否正确,清晰。不影响信息的传递,不影响交流进程。所以,口音对雅思口语来说并不重要,student do not have to spend a lot time working on their accent. This also explains why Indian students can usually get higher score in speaking than Chinese students. 二,考生在回答问题时是否有语气的变化来帮助表达需要表达的含义。It is called intonation. It is the main cause of the difficulty to get band 7. 取得口语7分或更高的难度也就在这里。To improve intonation, an accumulation of your daily practice is necessary, it can not be done shortly.
一项,流利度。流利度也是有两个部分组成的。一,考生是否在语言上流利。二,考试时表达观点是否流利,也就是说你的逻辑思维是否清晰流畅。It is called coherence, when you answer a question, are your ideas related to the question. When you make your idea, are your sentences in this idea related to this idea and to each other.
Things you can do to improve your grammar for IELTS Speaking
Remember, IETLS speaking does not really deduct your score for a mistake you just make once. The one that kills your grammar score is recurring mistake, which is the same kind of mistake that you make again and again and one more time. 仅出现一次的语法错误通常别不会导致扣分,语法低分一般是由多次出现的同类错误造成的。The top one recurring mistake is the usage of past tense. 在教学中我发现,学生较易反复的错误是过去式的使用。It is due to the difference between Chinese and English. Most of the students are simply not used to use past tense. They can actually spot the mistakes with past tense if they can have a second look on their sentences. 其实,同学们并不是不会使用过去式,而是常常在回答问题时忘记使用。Here, I suggest writing dairy is an useful way to fix this problem, use English to record what you did in a day. I believe, if you can keep doing it for a month or two. Your past tense usage will be stabilized.
Things you can do to improve your Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking
Before I talk about it, I will show you some facts first. A native speaker of English uses about 2,500 words in their daily talk. A native speaker will know about 18,000 words if lives a normal life. 考生们可以想一想,其实在中文里,你也有很多不认识的字,生活总也会看到一些叫不出名字的物品,but you speak good Chinese. So, the key here is the ability of explaining over, use the words you know, to explain a word you do not know. 比如,你要说MP3,但是你不知道英语的MP3怎么说,you can say, you know the thing, we use it to listen to music, it is very small, and very convenient to carry. 这样别人就能猜到你要说的是MP3。这个能力可以避免在口语中出现卡死的情况。此外,the vocabulary usage in IELTS Speaking test should be simple and clear. But, of course we also need some shinning point. 在简单清晰的用词之外,我们还是需要点缀的,但是我们需要的不是难词和生僻词。我们需要的是一些有意思的表达和尚未过时的俚语。这些东西在网上都是比较容易找到的。
Things you can do to improve your pronunciation for IELTS Speaking
Like so many other have already said, watching English films and TV program is really the best way to do this. From observation in my classes. I found those who have good pronunciation and chunks all have the same interest; watching English films and TV shows. But, this will not have immediate effect. If you are still 6 months or more from your test. I suggest this is worth trying. 像很多我的同事说过的,看英文电视节目真的是的提高方法了。但是短期效果有限,我通过观察发现,所有发音好语感佳的同学都有长期看英美剧的习惯。如果你距离考试还有半年或更久的时间,这个是值得一试的方法,而且学习休闲两不误。
Things you can do to improve your Fluency for IELTS Speaking
Be clear, good fluency is not about fast. 同学们一定一定要清楚,好的流利度不是快。Talking too fast will only make the examiner believe that you have memorized the answer, therefore lead to a low score. 考试中语速过快的话会让考官觉得你是背的,这样的话分数就低了,一般不会超过5.5。Good fluency is about having proactive stops and avoiding passive stops. 好的流利的是要有主动停顿,避免被动停顿。Proactive stop is the stops that we need to have when we need to think before we can continue talking. While, passive stop is usually caused by not being familiar with vocabulary and grammar. Proactive stops can help you to produce natural answer with good fluency. Here, I will present an example to demonstrate the proactive stops in an answer. “//” shows the place you need to stop.
Yes. I like travelling very much
I think // it is a good way to know about // the culture // and history of a place
It can // open up my mind // and make me more // knowledgeable
Beside. // Travelling is also an // effective way for me to chill.
For example, // I like to go traveling // after my exams
To be honest, I still have not built the standard to follow about proactive stop.
Yet, there are some tips
1. Stop before you offer a reason
2. Stop before you say the result
3. Stop before you introduce an example
4. Stop before you describe your feeling
5. Stop before and after using any connectives like and, beside. In addition, however and etc.
6. Stop before you use an adjective.
7. Stop before you give a time.

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