1. I have a crush on her.
Crush on her 就是对一位异性十分地着迷,通常指的是不太熟的异性。比如说你今天出去玩,看到一个美眉长的很漂亮,你就可以用 I have a crush on her. 这跟 fall in love with somebody可不太一样。fall in love withsomebody 多半指的是和某位异性陷入热恋,通常你们之间已经相识一段时间了。要表示强调的话就可以说I have a bigcrush on her.
2. I like to talk to her. I guess we are in the same wavelength.
在物理学上如果频率相同的话会怎样? 就是会产生共鸣啦。因此这句话指的是两个人心灵上的契合,或是两人很有默契。所以下次你要引起某位异性的注意,你就可以这么说了:I'd like to talkto you. Because I guess we are in the same wavelength. 相信她就会很清楚你对她有意思了。
3. Is she your buddyfriend or sweetheart friend?
听美国的点歌节目的时候, 主持人常常会问打电话进来点歌的听众这句话。比如说有人打电话进来要点歌给 David,那主持人有时就会问Is he your buddy friend or sweetheart friend? 所以如果你和某位异性关系正值暧昧期时,不妨试试这样的表白方法Are we buddy friend or sweetheart friend? What kind ofrelationship you want it to be?
4. Do you believe in love at the first sight?
一见钟情的英文就是 fall in love at the first sight。这样的问法真是非常地有技巧,表面上只是随口问问你相不相信一见钟情这种事情,如果对方真的对你有兴趣的话,她一定会给你更多的机会发展下去,要是对方没表现出什么兴趣,你就可以顺势转移话题了。 还有更单刀直入的办法,就是直接问 Do you want tobe my girlfriend? 或是 Do you want to go steady? (想不想定下来啊?) ,但是这样冒的风险也就相对地高了。
5. She is a knock-out
这样的说法并不常见, 但有时还是可以听到. 像有一部蛮好笑的电影 The Force of Nature. 刚开时在飞机上有这麼一句对话, 有个老人在看了男主角未婚妻的照片后就赞叹地说, She is a knock-out, isn't she? 只可惜后来的风风雨雨差点让他和他的未婚妻结不了婚, 这也是整部片子的趣味之所在。
Knock out 当动词还有很多用法, 例如拳击赛时把对方击倒, 所谓的 KO, 指的就是 knock out, 或是当 "消去" 解释, 例如老师在上课时会说, We can knock out x and y 就是说我们可以消去 x 跟 y 的意思。
6. Do you believe in love at the first sight?
一见钟情的英文就是 fall in love at the first sight. 像是这样的问法真的是非常地有技巧, 表面上虽不直说我对你有意思, 只是随口问问你相不相信一见钟情这种事情, 如果对方真的对你有兴趣的话, 她一定会给你更多的机会发展下去, 要是对方表现出兴趣缺缺, 则你顺势转移话题就可以了.。
如果要更单刀直入, 就直接问, Do you want to be my girlfriend? 或是 Do you want to go steady? (想不想定下来啊?) 就可以, 但是所冒的风险也就相对地提高。
Maria: So do you believe in love at first sight?
Alex: Yea, I think it does exist. I think you can havea sort of spark at first sight, but what I consider aslove is a bit different to what that first kind ofmeeting would be. If you can having something likeand then you think that person has a real possibility, I think that's what you mean by love at first sight, but you can't instantly love someone. Ittakes growth.
Maria: That's true.
Alex: It takes coming together, shared experiences and that sort of stuff but, you know, I thinkfor some people, my parents actually met at a guitar concert and it was a total mistake. Theythought, no, seriously, it was a total mistake. They thought that each other was in the samegroup and it turned out they were on separate groups and then things went from there. Heproposed after five weeks.
Maria: Wow.
Alex: And actually had to, he proposed in front of the fax machine while his divorce was beingfinalized.
Maria: Oh my God.
Alex: To his first wife so...
Maria: What a romantic story.
Alex: So, and twenty years later you know, so it took one conversation in a guitar concertso I've seen it, you know, I guess that spark definitely exists in them.
Maria: I guess if you call it attraction at first sight, it's way more fitting?
Alex: Yeah.
Maria: That's what I feel at least. I've seen, I have friends who experienced, like one of myfriends at my university now, she experienced love at first sight, like she saw the guy andshe thought that's the guy I want to marry. So I never tried anything like that but I heard ithappen and I see it happening now because she's still way head over heels for this guy.
Alex: I think if you decide the person that you're going to marry when you see them, you're alittle bit insane.
Maria: Well, insanity is a good point.
Alex: I suppose.
Maria: She is a little bit insane, yeah. She had a very sad love story beforehand. A guy shewas in love with for two and a half years who knew but he didn't, I think they actually diddate a little but he didn't want to be serious about it.
Alex: Yeah.
Maria: So I guess she's more, she wants it to be serious but I never tried. Like I think thepeople I've been in love with it has taken time and it's taken at least half a year before I'vefelt that there was more. Like I could be attracted to them but the love part, the really wantingto be with this person came later because I didn't want take, I didn't want to get serious atleast immediately.
Alex: Yeah, I think after that sort of six month puppy love stage where it's so new and excitingand you're learning all about the other person, that's when it starts to get like I think you startto feel the strong...
Maria: But I mean also like if there was a guy I didn't even date but we were talking togetherfor half a year and when we met, because it was internet, and he was in Holland and I was inDenmark so we met after half a year. We first met on a trip. So we met and then I could feel itgrow but it took me half a year to slowly and safely just get to the point where I could actuallyfeel something. It didn't work out but...
Alex: Ah well, what can you do?
Maria: Yeah, I tried.

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