Make the most of your commute 善用上下班时间
Walk or bike to work. If you ride the bus, get off a few blocks early and walk the rest of the way. If you drive to work, park at the far end of the parking lot.
Look for opportunities to stand 尽量站立
You'll burn more calories standing than sitting. Stand while talking on the phone. Better yet, try a standing desk-or improvise with a high table or counter. Eat lunch standing up. Trade instant messaging and phone calls for walks to other desks or offices.
Take fitness breaks 健康小憩
Rather than hanging out in the lounge with coffee or a snack, take a brisk walk or do some gentle stretching. Pull your chin toward your chest until you feel a stretch along the back of your neck, or slowly bring your shoulders up toward your ears.
Trade your office chair for a fitness ball 用健身球代替座椅
A firmly inflated fitness or stability ball can make a good chair. You'll improve your balance and tone your core muscles while sitting at your desk. You can even use the fitness ball for wall squats or other exercises during the day.
Keep fitness equipment in your work area 在办公区域放置健身器材
Store resistance bands-stretchy cords or tubes that offer weight-like resistance when you pull on them-or small hand weights in a desk drawer or cabinet. Do arm curls between meetings or tasks
Get social 结伴而行
Organize a lunchtime walking group. You might be surrounded by people who are ready to lace up their walking shoes-and hold each other accountable for regular exercise. Enjoy the camaraderie, and offer encouragement to one another when the going gets tough.
Conduct meetings on the go 组织移动会议
When it's practical, schedule walking meetings or brainstorming sessions. Do laps inside your building or, if the weather cooperates, take your walking meetings outdoors.
Pick up the pace 加快步伐
If your job involves walking, do it faster. Keep your chin up and your shoulders slightly back-and remember to breathe freely while you walk.
Try a treadmill desk 试试跑步机办公桌
If you're ready to take office exercise to the next level, consider a more focused walk-and-work approach. If you can comfortably position your work surface above a treadmill-with a computer screen on a stand, a keyboard on a table or a specialized treadmill-ready vertical desk-you may be able to walk while you work.

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