Dividend Investing 股息投资
One of the easiest ways to generate passive income is by investing in high yielding dividend paying stocks.
Rental Properties 出租物业
It was quite popular to buy a property and rent one out during the early 2000s. The rental payments will be a nice income stream for the shrewd investor.
Royalties 特许权使用费
Once you have finished your masterpiece, you can collect your royalties. Royalty payments are typically based on sales volume. Remember to obtain a copyright or patent on your work. This entitles you to receive residual income for years into the future.
Website 网站
Using the internet as a means for making money has grown dramatically since the 90s. You can create a website and get paid by ad companies. Advertisers are always looking for new sites to market their products and are willing to pay large sums to do it.
Limited Partnerships 有限合伙企业
A limited partnership is a partnership in which one or more of the partners is a limited partner. Limited partners have limited liability and no input in the day to day operations of the partnership. All income is deemed as passive since limited partners are not actively involved in the management of the partnership.

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