A recent scientific study analyzed what your favorite punctuation mark means about you. Every writer, every person, over-uses and abuses at least one punctuation mark. Here's what your particular weakness means about you:
Period (.):Type A personality. You are decisive and clear. You have no difficulty with setting limits. Often a stodgy person that no one else thinks is any fun to hang out with. You tend to be good with technology and have the latest gadgets.
Comma (,): The peacemaker. You like to help others, and you get along with everyone. You like to make sure people understand each other. You like clarity as much as the Period type, but, unlike him, you don't subscribe to the "less is more" theory. You believe more information is better than not enough. For this reason you sometimes confuse others and can become tiresome. But, in general, you’re fun, or at least tolerable, to be around.
Exclamation point (!):You are excitable and anxious. You don't self-censor well and think that your opinion always matters. You get nervous easily and are often too loud. You’re either an overly-affectionate or a mean drunk. You're fun at parties.
Question mark (?):Indecisive and uncertain. You over-analyze. You may be shy and have low self-esteem. People usually have no idea you're there.
Colon (:):You like things to be well-delineated. Much like the Period type, you like order. You make lists. You usually get asked to organize the office parties and school functions.
Em-dash (—): You're stuck up and pretentious. You correct people's grammar and complain about how stupid kids are these days. You made good grades in school and perform well at work. Your boss loves you, even if your co-workers don't.
Ellipses (…): An indecisive and flighty person. You lose your train of thought easily. You are a follower and like to let other people take the risks. You often misplace your keys or spend ten minutes looking for the glasses you're already wearing.
Quotation Mark (“): You aren't very original. You tweet famous quotes a lot. You are nosy and like to gossip; mostly because you don't have anything of substance to add of your own. People like to hang out with you for a coffee break but don’t really consider you a friend.

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