雅思口语考 试当中,常考的重点题目需要做充分的准备。在这些重点题目中,有些是关于生活类的,这类是比较容易准备的,有些则难度大一些。考生们在准备口语题目时,要 注意针对不同题目的难度,选择不同的备考方法。选择答题思路时,也应该按照题目是否比较生僻而选择不同的内容,目的是方便自己答题内容丰富而且翻译简单。
1、Are there any TV channels in your country that don’t have adverts?
No, they’re all commercial channels and show adverts all day long…too many really…and there’s also a lot of product placement going on…especially in TV series where they place an item just behind the actors.
commercial channels 商业频道: TV channels that make money from showing advertisementsshow adverts播电视广告: to display adverts on TVproduct placement植入性广告: to advertise a product by using it as a prop in a TV show or film
2、Do you enjoy watching adverts on TV?
No, not really. I hate commercial breaks during a film. It really spoils the flow and during prime time viewing, they seem to squeeze even more ads in than usual. Celebrity endorsements also get on my nerves, everyone knows they’re only doing it because they’re getting paid.
commercial breaks(广播,电视中插播的)商业广告: the short period during TV programmes when advertisements are shown
prime time黄*时段: the time during the viewing schedule when most people watch TV or listen to a broadcastcelebrity endorsements明星代言: to have a well-known person promote a product
3、What are the best ways for ordinary people to advertise something they want to sell in your country?
The simplest way is to place an advert in something like the classified ads section of a local paper or there’s the Internet of course. There are lots of sites or mobile phone apps where you can buy and sell things online.
place an advert放置广告:to put an advert somewhere
classified ads 分类广告: small advertisements often put in a newspaper or magazine by individualsbuy and sell买卖: often used to refer to the buying and selling of items between individuals

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