Heaton: Mr. Dick. Does the recommendation ofthe university play an important role?
Dick: Yes. In fact, the recommendation letterwritten by the university is an indirect self-recommendation. In the long period ofcooperation, the university has established goodrelationship with the companies or organizations, they trust each other well. If your universityrecommends you, you can be approved more easily.
Heaton: But I find that most of the recommendation letters written by universities are thesame. So I doubt its authority.
Dick: More and more persons have the same discoveries since most universities do that inorder to save energy. If your university also does like this, you can look for other methods, because such kinds of recommendations say nothing for you.
Heaton: Could you tell me whether or not I send out my resume with it?
Dick: It depends. If it has something special or useful, I suggest you send it out.
1.It's a great pleasure to recommend Miss Zhang Hua, one of my most close colleagues, foradmission to your company as a manager. 很高兴推荐我的一位亲密同事张华小姐进入贵公司担任经理之职。
2. I should appreciate it very much if you would consider Mr. Zhang's application for enteringyour company. 如果你们考虑张先生加入贵公司的申请,本人不胜感激。
3. To my knowledge, Mr. Hou Liang is a man of integrity, scrupulousness and accuracy. 据我所知,侯亮先生是个诚实、谨慎、一丝不苟的人。

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