Showing Interest in Other People
Showing Interest in Other People– 1
Useful tips
Echo the key information to encourage furtherexplanation, for example, I’m allergic to shellfish. To shellfish?
Empathize. Use phrases to show that youunderstand how your partner feels, for example, That’s amazing! or Really?
Paraphrase. Reformulate in your own words whathas been said to show that you are listening, forexample, So what you’re telling me is…
Casper: It’s a very different way to do business here in Singapore, compared to Germany.
Emily: I know what you mean. Do you find it difficult?
Casper: No, not at all. It’s interesting.
Emily: Interesting?
Casper: Yes. For example, in Singapore you discuss prices much earlier in a negotiation thanwe do in Germany.
Emily: Really? So, you mean that you leave price negotiations till the end of a discussion?
Casper: Oh, yes. In Singapore you start talking about prices for products when in Germanywe’re still trying to define exactly what’s wanted.
Emily: How amazing! I didn’t realize. I suppose we think it’s a waste of time discussingsomething if the price is always going to be unrealistic.
Casper: I see.
Emily: Whereas in Germany you feel you can’t begin to think about price until you know all thedetails.
Casper:That’s right.
Emily: So, do you like Singapore?
Casper: Oh, yes. Very much, especially the food. But I need to do some sport. I’ve put on twokilos already! Back in Berlin I play centre forward for the company football team.
Emily: Really?
Casper: Yes, um… anyway, um…
Emily: Do you note any other differences between business life here and in Germany?
Casper: Well, another difference is the flexibility that a manager has here.
Emily: Flexibility?
Casper: Yes. In Germany it’s very difficult to be a manager because every time you want tointroduces a change in the organization or in communication processes, you have to ask theWorker’s Council for permission. This makes innovation very slow, which isn’t good for theemployees at all.
Emily: So, what you’re saying is that the Worker’s Council in Germany makes things moredifficult for employees, not easier.
Casper: Sometimes, yes.
Emily: That’s terrible!
Showing interest in other people
1.I know what you mean.
2.Really? So, you mean that you leave price negotiations till the end of a discussion?
3.How amazing!
4.I see.
6.So, what you’re saying is that the Worker’s Council in Germany makes things more difficultfor employees, not easier.
7.That’s terrible!
Saying it accurately
Complete the phrases with words from the box
To show empathy
1.I ……… what you mean.
3.That’s ………!
4.……… so true.
5.……… amazing! To paraphrase
6.So in ……… words…
7.So what you’re ……… is…
8.So you ……… that…
Match Rachel’s responses to Tess’s statements.
Tess: I feel terrible.
1 ………
Tess: I’ve got such a headache.
2 ………
Tess: I think it was brought on by sitting in a car for three hours.
3 ………
Tess: Yes, it took me three hours to travel ten kilometres.
4 ………
Tess: I know, but at least I’m here now. and I’ve got some exciting news!
5 ………
Tess: Yes, I’ve been promoted!
6 ………
Tess: Uh-huh, it happened while you were away.
7 ………
Tess: That’s right! And it means I get a pay rise and a company car!
8 ………
Rachel: How awful!
Rachel: Terrible?
Rachel: That’s unbelievable!
Rachel: So what you’re saying is I went on holiday for a week and come back to find you’re asenior manager?!
Rachel: You mean that you were stuck in traffic for three hours!
Rachel: Really?
Rachel: Promoted?
Rachel: How amazing! Congratulations!
Useful tips
Echo the key information to encourage furtherexplanation, for example, I’m allergic to shellfish. To shellfish?
Empathize. Use phrases to show that youunderstand how your partner feels, for example, That’s amazing! or Really?
Paraphrase. Reformulate in your own words whathas been said to show that you are listening, forexample, So what you’re telling me is…
Casper: It’s a very different way to do business here in Singapore, compared to Germany.
Emily: I know what you mean. Do you find it difficult?
Casper: No, not at all. It’s interesting.
Emily: Interesting?
Casper: Yes. For example, in Singapore you discuss prices much earlier in a negotiation thanwe do in Germany.
Emily: Really? So, you mean that you leave price negotiations till the end of a discussion?
Casper: Oh, yes. In Singapore you start talking about prices for products when in Germanywe’re still trying to define exactly what’s wanted.
Emily: How amazing! I didn’t realize. I suppose we think it’s a waste of time discussingsomething if the price is always going to be unrealistic.
Casper: I see.
Emily: Whereas in Germany you feel you can’t begin to think about price until you know all thedetails.
Casper:That’s right.
Emily: So, do you like Singapore?
Casper: Oh, yes. Very much, especially the food. But I need to do some sport. I’ve put on twokilos already! Back in Berlin I play centre forward for the company football team.
Emily: Really?
Casper: Yes, um… anyway, um…
Emily: Do you note any other differences between business life here and in Germany?
Casper: Well, another difference is the flexibility that a manager has here.
Emily: Flexibility?
Casper: Yes. In Germany it’s very difficult to be a manager because every time you want tointroduces a change in the organization or in communication processes, you have to ask theWorker’s Council for permission. This makes innovation very slow, which isn’t good for theemployees at all.
Emily: So, what you’re saying is that the Worker’s Council in Germany makes things moredifficult for employees, not easier.
Casper: Sometimes, yes.
Emily: That’s terrible!
Showing interest in other people
1.I know what you mean.
2.Really? So, you mean that you leave price negotiations till the end of a discussion?
3.How amazing!
4.I see.
6.So, what you’re saying is that the Worker’s Council in Germany makes things more difficultfor employees, not easier.
7.That’s terrible!
Saying it accurately
Complete the phrases with words from the box
To show empathy
1.I ……… what you mean.
3.That’s ………!
4.……… so true.
5.……… amazing! To paraphrase
6.So in ……… words…
7.So what you’re ……… is…
8.So you ……… that…
Match Rachel’s responses to Tess’s statements.
Tess: I feel terrible.
1 ………
Tess: I’ve got such a headache.
2 ………
Tess: I think it was brought on by sitting in a car for three hours.
3 ………
Tess: Yes, it took me three hours to travel ten kilometres.
4 ………
Tess: I know, but at least I’m here now. and I’ve got some exciting news!
5 ………
Tess: Yes, I’ve been promoted!
6 ………
Tess: Uh-huh, it happened while you were away.
7 ………
Tess: That’s right! And it means I get a pay rise and a company car!
8 ………
Rachel: How awful!
Rachel: Terrible?
Rachel: That’s unbelievable!
Rachel: So what you’re saying is I went on holiday for a week and come back to find you’re asenior manager?!
Rachel: You mean that you were stuck in traffic for three hours!
Rachel: Really?
Rachel: Promoted?
Rachel: How amazing! Congratulations!

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