用于表达情绪感受的英语口语有这些:Let me tell you how I'm feeling.让我来告诉你我现在的感受。My son's in a mood today.我儿子今天在闹情绪呢。I'm fed up with all this nonsense.这些废话让我厌倦。
1.Let me tell you how I'm feeling.让我来告诉你我现在的感受。
2.I am uncomfortable about what she did.对于她所做的事,我感到不舒服。
3.My son's in a mood today.我儿子今天在闹情绪呢。
4.It's not.easy for me to say this,but I'm a bit upset about what happened.我很难说出口的,但是对于所发生的事,我有点生气啊。
5.I'm fed up with all this nonsense.这些废话让我厌倦。
6.I'm not keen on that sort of entertainment.我不喜欢那种娱乐。
7.That's the best thing I've heard in years.这是很长时间里我听到的*好事情啦。
8.What a nuisance!真令人讨厌!
9.She's always in a bad mood on Mondays.她每星期一情绪都很坏。
10.That fellow's manner really turns me off.那个家伙的态度确实让我厌烦。
1.What a miserable day it is!多糟糕的天气!
2.I've got a complaint to make.有件事我要投诉。
3.I'd like to file a complaint with the manager.我要向经理提出抗议。
4.I don't want to embarrass you,but I really think you ought to have spoken to him.我不想使你难堪,但是我确实认为你早该和他谈谈。
5.I come here to tell you that our working conditions are extremely poor.我过来是想告诉你,我们的工作环境极其差。
6.You shouldn't have said that,Linda.琳达,你不应该这样说的。
7.Wouldn't it be a good idea to leave the bed made up?让床保持整洁难道不好吗?
8.I hate to say this,but I'm really fed up of your carelessness.我真不情愿说,但是对你的粗心大意我厌烦透了。
9.Look,I'm sorry to disturb you,but I wish you wouldn't have your TV on so loud.喂,对不起打扰你。但我希望你的电视机别开得这么响。
10.Would you be kind enough not to bother me any more?请别再来烦我,好吗?
1.There's juice or sour milk.Which would you prefer?有果汁和酸奶,你喜欢哪样?
2.I prefer fish to beef.比起牛肉来,我更喜欢吃鱼。
3.I'd rather have a walk than stay home all day.我想出去走走,而不愿整天呆在家里。
4.I'm more interested in modern Jazz.我对现代爵士乐更感兴趣。
5.Hamburgers do appeal to me.我确实喜欢汉堡包。
6.I don't care for them at all.我一点都不喜欢那些东西。
7.Do you go for modern music?你喜欢现代音乐吗?
8.There is nothing in the world more enjoyable than taking a shower after work.世界上没什么比工作之后冲个澡更爽的事了。
9.What would you say to their suggestion of having a break now?他们建议休息一下,你觉得怎么样?
10.I don't know what can be a better entertainment.我找不到比这更好的娱乐方式了。

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