Hello, everyone. I'm Chloe, and I come from Guangzhou. I'm the Study Supervisor(SS), sho will mainly help you with your study problems. As to my personality, I would say I'm an out-going and easy-going person. However, I can be tough at work. I puta clear line betwen work and life. I think we can be teacher and students at school, friends in life. 大家好!我是你们美丽可爱活泼,英语技能Max的教辅主管,很高兴能在美联这个专业有爱的学习环境与大家相遇。虽然我个性比较容易相处,但是在英语领域里面,我还是会坚持原则,我的地盘我做主。该学习的时候不能为自己找借口,我也会严格对待。学习之外,我们都是朋友,不要吝啬表达你们对我的热爱哦!

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