







Arrangements for the negotiation


1. cooperation [ko,ɑpə'reʃən] n. 合作,协作;[劳经] 协力

2. fruitful['frutfl]adj. 富有成效的;多产的;果实结得多的

3. strengthen ['strɛŋθn] vt. 加强;巩固

4.refinery [rɪ'faɪnəri] n. 精炼厂;提炼厂;冶炼厂

5. reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] adj. 可靠的;可信赖的

6. processing ['prɑsɛsiŋ] n.加工,处理

7. decrease [dɪ'kris] vt. 减少,减小

8. internationally [,intə'næʃənəli] adv. 国际性地;在国际间


A: Hello, Mr. Zhang. Please come and sit down.

B: Thank you. I’m so glad to see you again.

A: Me too.

B: I’m also pleased that we have been doing business so well with each other and our cooperation [1] over the years has been afruitful [2] one.

A: I’m glad that you are satisfied with the service we provided.

B: As you know, one of the purposes of my present visit here is to discuss ways of strengthening [3] the relationship between us.

A: This idea is exactly mine. As a matter of fact, I was going to mention that we still had some capacity at the Vietnam refinery [4].

B: That’s interesting. We are going to expand our gasoline export at the moment. It would certainly be easier to deal with an old and reliable [5] friend than to establish a new relationship. Of course, it depends on the processing [6] fee you will offer.

A: I think we can work out something there. As a rule, our processing fee decreases [7] with the amount of crude oil we sell.

B: Good. I think that’s something we can talk about in detail later. At present, we are going to buy 6,000 tons of gasoline for our company.

A: That’s very good.

B: Can you provide it right from the stock?

A: Yes, of course.

B: That’s good. Can we determine the price according to the internationally [8] accepted standard?

A: Sure.

B: Good. Now I must try to get a vessel. And if everything goes on well, we can expect to draft and sign a contract soon.

A: Good. We’ll get the necessary document drawn up.

B: And we’ll follow the usual signing procedures, shall we?

A: Yes, that’s the best.

B: But I’m afraid we’d have to negotiable other terms and conditions concerning this transaction, shall we?

A: If you feel it necessary, let’s think them over this evening and meet here tomorrow afternoon.

B: That’s good. See you tomorrow.

A: See you.


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