Carl, I' m taking my vacation the first two weeks in September this year. Where would you like to go?卡尔,9月份前两周我要去度假,你想去哪儿?
Well, I think I need a real rest at some peaceful hotel near a fresh water lake where we can go boating and enjoy the scenery. What' s your idea, Gao?我想去一个宁静的湖滨旅馆好好休息,在那儿可以划船,
Well, I am thinking of going to some town on the coast, where we can swim in the surf and get a good suntan…噢,我想去海滨城市,去海里游泳,晒晒日光浴……
I think it would be fantastic to get a tent and go camping. We could carry our packs on our backs and our food in knapsacks and hike along the way.要是弄到一顶帐篷去野营,那该有多好。背上我们的行装,带上食品,一路步行。
It sounds interesting. It may be OK for you but much too primitive for me.听起来有趣。但这样的活动对你也许可以,对我可就太原始了。
In that case, er, I know what to do. Why can' t we take a trip in the car to some lake where we could have both quiet and scenery or go camping or swimming.这样的话,嗯,我有主意了。我们干吗不开车到湖边旅游?那里安静,风景优美,既可以野营,也可以游泳。
That' s a good idea. I' m sure there must be a lot of places we could go. I' ll be expecting you.
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