1.Private class 不超过4人的小班授课
All provide classes have no more than 4 students, and students are all taught according to their own situation and level.
2. Real Language 高雅舒适的学习氛围
High-classed and comfortable study environment, top grade service and modern teaching facility. We provide you with a guarantee for a successful learning environment.
3. Quality Guaranteed 置身海外的教学环境
A real life environment where only English is used. You can acquire and apply the English language without going abroad
4. Flexible Timetable 自由灵活的学习时间
The center is open from 9 a.m. every day. The students can choose their own schedule
5. Accurate Level Placement and Study Goal Setting 精细化水平分级和目标设置
Placement based on a systematic estimate of acquired English language knowledge and speaking skills, suitable teaching and learning goals are designed to guide you to your goal
6. Personalized Course 个性化的课程设置
Choose courses according to your own level and needs.
7.Multi-media Learning System 全球知名的多媒体课程
Professional multimedia courses are designed specifically for people whose native language is not English, and they are the main courses taught at more than ** of the public English training schools inCanada. They also provide the comprehensive English training for theUKmigrants program.
8.Self-control study pace 学习进度自我掌控
Students can follow their own study schedule. In this way, their language studies will accommodate their professional or personal needs.
9.Personalized Support and Follow-up 个性化的教学支持与跟踪
Our professional Study Advisors will develop a course according to your level. Then they will carefully follow up your process and assist you to complete your studies.
10.Social club and Activity 精英社交俱乐部
There are frequent activities organized by foreign teachers where students can experience western culture and practice English accordingly
11.Quality Extension Training Along with English Learning 素质拓展与英语学习共成长
Quality Extension training helps you to get ahead in your career competition while you are learning English here.

更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠等学校信息,请进入 广州番禺区大学英语培训广州番禺区CET四六级培训 网站详细了解,免费咨询电话:400-998-6158