




教学风格: 有条不紊,亲切认真
善于提升: 成人英语,商务英语,实用英语


教学风格: 文采飞扬,辞采华美
善于提升: 通用英语,雅思口语,英语发音


教学风格: 朴实无华,风趣幽默
善于提升: 成人英语,通用英语


教学风格: 生动形象,机智诙谐
善于提升: 成人英语,商务英语,实用英语


教学风格: 娓娓道来,恩威并施
善于提升: 基础差入门,旅游英语,托福雅思


教学风格: 有声有色,风趣幽默
善于提升: 通用英语,雅思口语,英语发音


My first day in the classroom at the University of Edinburgh was, uh, not pretty. Only the morning, I successfully won my British classmates’ laughter and a ruined reputation by misunderstanding “got a lot further” as “got a lot of fathers”. Only the afternoon, ironically, I soon restored my confidence among my Chinese schoolmates by helping them to ask the price or other details in English while shopping. Even today, this paradoxical episode is summoning me repeatedly, urging me to reflect the current situation of English education in China.

   Now, Iam an English teacher, focusing on SAT reading, TOEFL writing, and ACT science for more than five years, and I find that the duty of a teacher is to teach, and at the same time to inspire the students to be interested in what they learn, and to equip students with not only knowledge but also faculties, like duty, perseverance, industry, tact, observation, and caution.



My name is Bai, and I know it sounds the same as “bye”. My friends in UK always joke around with it. I graduated from York University in England as a MRes (master of research) in ecology and environmental science. And later by chance, I became friends with some artists and decided to ran my own art gallery in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was a great time since I was able to talk with people who worked hard for their own dreams and left aside prejudice and discrimination. Now I am a teacher at METEN, having taught students for over 5 years how to perform well in the writing section in TOEFL, SAT and ACT. Not only do I share my experience, knowledge and skills, but also the belief that children should be encouraged not only to dream but also to persist. I will be happy to see them grow and fully bloom, with both my help and their effort.

   小白老师的名号来自于蜡笔小新里的小狗小白,我自己也很喜欢这个称呼。我喜欢这个称呼另有原因。小白就是“什么都不懂”。做人做事都要有一种自己是小白的心态,要humble enough。



教学风格: 互动活跃,亲切自然,娓娓道来
善于提升: 成人英语,商务英语,实用英语


Hi, my name is Jessie and my Chinese name is Chang Fangfang, coming from Shanxi Province. I graduated from Northeast Foresrty University, majoring in English translation and got my postgraduate degree in 2015. I love studying and teaching English. As an SA, I am kind, warm-hearted and patient and glad to help you anytime. During my free time, I like wathcing English movies and TV series, which is a great way to improve English actually. Besides, I am also fond of all kinds of sports to keep healthy and lose weight. I am looking forward to seeing you and want to make friends with those who want to improve English. Come and join us!



Hello everybody!I'm Jenny!I work in Meten as a Course Consultant. I love English, singing and taking selfies sometimes. If you wanna improve your English, come and join us. You are so welcome to be a part of Meten family.


Hi everyone, My name is Eda. I've been working in English education for 4 years. I believe I can help you design english courses that suit you. I love travelling, making friends and all kinds of food. Come and join us in Meten English and have a new English learning experience!