My first day in the classroom at the University of Edinburgh was, uh, not pretty. Only the morning, I successfully won my British classmates’ laughter and a ruined reputation by misunderstanding “got a lot further” as “got a lot of fathers”. Only the afternoon, ironically, I soon restored my confidence among my Chinese schoolmates by helping them to ask the price or other details in English while shopping. Even today, this paradoxical episode is summoning me repeatedly, urging me to reflect the current situation of English education in China.
Now, Iam an English teacher, focusing on SAT reading, TOEFL writing, and ACT science for more than five years, and I find that the duty of a teacher is to teach, and at the same time to inspire the students to be interested in what they learn, and to equip students with not only knowledge but also faculties, like duty, perseverance, industry, tact, observation, and caution.

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