




1 不论你业务的规模大小,全新的电子化结算与支付方式将使你无须再打印结算清单和支付邮资,也无须再投入大量的人力处理支付过程 No matter what size your business is, emerging alternatives will save you from having to point statements, pay for postage, and dedicate large numbers of people to processing payments.
2客户可以在线审核结算清单、即刻完成转账  Customers can review statements online and transfer funds instantly.
3 该报告声称价值源于业务的改进而非成本的节约 The report states that the value comes from business improvement rather than cost savings.
4 edocs意识到此类技术具有更大的使用范围,因而避免使用EBPP这一术语而倾向于称其为因特网结算与客户管理Recognizing the large scope of these technologies , edocs eschews the term EBPP in favor of Internet billing and customer management.
5 她说出了种种理由,但没有一条令人信服 She presented a variety of reasons ,but none was convincing
6 电子化结算能简化你绝大部分支付程序 You’ll be able to streamline most of the process by billing your customer electronically.
7 EBPP能降低你公司用于客户支持的费用 EBPP can cut down the cost of your company’s customer support.
8 传统的兑换方式惟有通过在结算单上填塞广告而获利 Traditional billing methods present lucrative opportunities to stuff statements with ads.
9 对客户而言,EBPP意味着随时随地可以了解账户数据 To the customer, EBPP means access to account data at any time , from anywhere.
10 较妙的是,消费者无需再料理一大堆乱糟糟的账单 Best of all , customer don’t have to deal with the clutter of bills.
11 需要新的搜索方法以及能够将Web站点自动分类的软件 New paradigms of searching are needed as well as new software that is able to categorize web sites automatically.
12 信息和数据检索技术研发的目的在于提高检索的功用和效率 The research and development in information and date retrieval is aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of retrieval
13 为了得到更好的检索结果,不仅需要提高检索引擎的技术,而且需要改进用户界面 In order to review better search results, it is not only necessary to improve the search engine technology , but also the user interface.
14 文本信息嵌入到了特殊文件格式的二进制结构中 The textual information is embedded into the binary structure of the particular file format.
15你这些乱糟糟的东西占用了太多的空间 Your clutter takes up far too much space.
16 它是便宜的,但在另一方面,质量很差It’s cheap , but on the other hand , the quality is poor.
17 在网上手动分类导致极少的搜索结果 Manual process of classifying on the web result in very few search results.
18 那些不说英语或不以英语为本族语的人在互联网上受到很大的限制 People who do not speak English or who are non-native English speakers have many disadvantages on the web .
19 按照信息的重要性进行分类也非常有必要 It is necessary to rank information by importance.
20 那机会太好了,不能错过 That’s too good an opportunity to miss.
21要在电子商务新时代获得成功,企业*较大限度地扩大雇员在电子商务活动中的参与程度 To be successful in the new age of electronic commerce, commerce , enterprises must be able to maximize the participation of their employees in e-commerce initiatives.
22愿意买该产品或服务的人越多,价格就降的越多The more people willing to buy the product or service , the further the price drops.

23 与过去两年相比,我们几年的销售额增加了一倍 Compared with last two years , we have doubled the sales figure this year.
24 各种各样规模的企业正加入到互联网经济中来,因此电子商务正迅速地改变着商业 Enterprises of all size are joining the Internet economy and thus electronic commerce is rapidly transforming business.
25 现在出现的一个焦点领域是间接采购,它是一项与用于企业经营的货物和服务的购买关联的开支 Presently an emerging area of focus is indirect procurement , which is the spending associated with acquiring the goods and services required to run the enterprise.
26 互联网采购自动化能够减少每一订单**的申请费用 Internet procurement automation has the potential to reduce requisition processing costs by ** per order.
27 规模经济得到乐实现,从而降低乐产品的成本,增加了购买组织投资的整体回报率 Economies of scale are realized , enabling lower cost of goods and increasing the buying organization’s overall return on investment .
28 个人并不是利用实物交易的惟一实体 Individuals aren’t the only ones taking advantage of swapping.
29 我怎么也意想不到那个时候他会突然出现 I never thought that he would pop up then.
30 这不仅可以给你带来一些本不可能的新买卖,而且还有助于你生意的发展 Not only can it 31 bring new sales that you never would have had , but it helps promote your business
32所有这些趋势都毫无疑问地对电子商务市场产生着深远的影响。All of these trends are undoubtedly having a profound effect on the e-business market.
33我认为在这个市场上速度是*一位的。 I think speed is of the essence in this market.
34但就算你并不是一个先行者,你仍然可以在电子世界中占有相当的市场份额。But even if you are not a first-mover,you can still take a significant market share in the e-world
35迄今为止我们所了解到的就是:如果你的企业想在电子商务领域站住脚,那么市场营销部门就是极其重要的。 What we've seen so far,is that your marketing department is extremely important to you if you want to be branded as an e-business.
36结果非常不令人满意,和我们所期望的恰恰相反。The result was rather unsatisfactory,as opposed to what we had expected.
37那个计划一开始就注定要失败。 From the start,theplan was doomed to failure.
38供水条件的改善会给健康带来巨大的影响。Improvement in water supply can have a dramatic effect on health.
39应该由你决定是否实施这一计划。It's up to you to decide whether to carry out this plan or not.
40在某种程度上,男性更容易找到报酬高的工作。To a certain extent,it's easier for men to get well-paid work.
41成千上万的人都参与了四年一度的选举活动。Thousands of people were involved in the election campaign held every four years.
42市场的变化已经使许多网站破产,而且许多其他的网站也只是勉强在生存着。Changes in the market have driven many sites out of business,and many others are barely surviving.

43在我们的测试中,我们观察到**的购物企图都是以失败而告终的。In our tests,we observed that **of purchase attempts ended in failure.
44这些数字并不意味着科学上的精确,而是对于在这个假日中可能损失的收入做一个判断。 These figures are not meant to be scientifically accurate but rather to give a sense of the possible loss of revenue this holiday season.
45在所有这些情况下,网站没有明确顾客需要做什么以及如何顺利结帐。In all these cases,sites failed to make it clear what customers needed to do and how they could advance in the checkout process.
46这本书的确值得找一找。 This is a book well worth looking for.
47由于天气原因,航班已经推迟一个小时了。 The flight has been delayed one hour,due to weather conditions.
48他似乎很可能通过入学考试。It seems likely that he'll pass the entrance examination.
49我们怎么才能防止这种疾病蔓延?How can we pervent this disease from spreading?
50不管你怎么读法,这个句子总是不知所云。 No matter how you read it,this sentence doesn't make sense.
51他已不再赌博。 He is through with gambling.
52在业务的经营方式以及业务运作的外部环境中,法律顾问应起实质性的作用。Legal counsel should play a substantive role in the way that business is conducted and the external environment in which it operates.
53法律顾问可以探讨由于技术、业务及法律环境的变化而产生的风险和弱点。Counsel can address risks and vulnerabilities that arise from changes in the technical,business and legal environments.
54*府一贯愿意按照业界的行情而修改立法方案。Governments have consistently been willing to modify legislative proposals following representations from business.
55既然是根据商业价值而选择位置,那么也应该把法律因素考虑在内。 AS locations are selected for commercial value,legal considerations should also be taken into account.
56*考虑到商标、域名的法律效力以及其他外部威胁,以使名誉免于受损。The legal aspects of trademarks,domain names,and other external threats musy be considered to protect the name and reputation from harm.
57在电子商务模式中,许多资产包含有信息,这些信息是无形的,但是具有很大的价值。In the e-business model,many assets consist of information,intangible but possessing great value.
58信息产品可以在顷刻间传遍全世界,所以特别有风险。Information products are particularly at risk as they can instanty be disseminated world-wide.
59只有彻底地重新审视机构的运作方式,电子商务的诸多利益才能得到*。 Many of the benefits of e-business can be secured only with a radical rethinking of the way in which the organization operates. 
60勿受坏榜样的影响。Don't be influenced by bad examples.
61工业革命改变了整个英国的社会结构。The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.


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