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发布时间:2015-06-09 17:51:24  来源:52培训网  浏览:    【】【】【

Home, Sweet Home

to snore 打鼾

stayed up late 熬夜

to sleep like a baby 睡得像个婴儿(形容睡得很香甜,很安静,睡眠质量高)

to have a nice dream 做了个好梦

Dad is welcoming uncle Bob. 老爸去迎接鲍勃叔叔。

He falls down the stairs. 他从楼梯摔了下来。

This is the basement. 这里是地下室。

to exercise in the garden 在花园里做操

to hit the doggie 打狗

lost sleep 失眠

to jump into the pool 跃入游泳池中

to jump out of the pool 又跳了出来

to prepare breakfast 准备早餐

Ah, goody! Breakfast is ready. 噢,太好了!可以开饭了!

to pull out of the garage 从车库开车出来

yawning neighbor 伸着懒腰的邻居

to think in the bathroom 在浴室中思考(在思考什么呢?)

to paint the roof 油漆屋顶

to kick off the paint bucket 踢下油漆桶

The paint bucket fell down on his head. 油漆桶扣在了他的头上。(真可怜,他可真不走运)

to make his hairdo 做头发(是不是在头发上贴上“油漆未干”的字条?)

The phone is ringing. 来电话了。(直译:电话铃声响了。)

to scream for his breakfast 想吃早餐而大喊大叫。(油漆未干,不宜进食)

guitar on the bed 床上的吉他

stereo set playing a record 放着唱片的立体声唱机

