52培训网 > 新闻资讯 > 语言类 > 公共英语 >  PETS4口语练习:有关吃喝的表达


发布时间:2015-06-09 17:50:25  来源:52培训网  浏览:    【】【】【

To Enjoy Eating:

to wait hungrily 饿着肚子等着

to devour the turkey 大嚼火鸡肉

to eat barbecued meat 吃烧烤全牲

Delicious! 味道真棒!

to cook barbecue 烹调烤肉

To toast, their health! 为了健康干杯!

Bottoms up! 干杯!

to gulp liquor 一饮而尽

full to the brim 斟满酒

to heat 热一热

What's so funny? 什么事那么好笑?

to sip a cocktail 啜吸鸡尾酒

to blow smoke rings 喷出烟圈

to carry a tray of food 用盘子端食物

to fry eggs sunny-side up 煎一面的荷包蛋

to toast 敬酒

to smoke a cigarette 吸烟

to drink brandy 喝白兰地

still full 还很饱(还不饿)

starved to death 饿死了(只是一种形容方法)

