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  • 网报价格:电询    课程原价:电询
  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
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Saying it clearly

Listen to these two questions. Note how the words in bold are connected to create new sounds.
1.So, what do you do exactly?
2.How did you get here?

Saying it appropriately

When starting a conversation, it is important to sound friendly and enthusiastic. Listen to the speakers and decide whether they sound friendly or unfriendly.

1.What do you do? (Friendly/Unfriendly)
2.Where are you from? (Friendly/Unfriendly)
3.How did you get here? (Friendly/Unfriendly)
4.Have you been here before? (Friendly/Unfriendly)
5.Paris is great, isn’t it?(Friendly/Unfriendly)

Get speaking

1.Complete the conversation with an appropriate questions or phrase at the beginning of the lesson.

Jon: This hotel is wonderfully designed (1) ……………………?
Marco: Yes, I love modern architecture. (2) ……………………?
Jon: I’m from Dubai, home of the worlds tallest building, the BurjKhalifa. And you?
Marco: I live in Como on the Italian lakes.
Jon: I’ve been there on holiday. It’s beautiful. (3) ……………………?
Marco: I took the train from Milan.
Jon: (4) ……………………?
Marco: About four hours. It gave me a chance to catch up on some sleep!
Jon: (5) ……………………?
Marco: I run a small restaurant. You’ll have to stop by if you **e to Como again! What about you?
Jon: I’m an interior designer. I mainly design the insides of shops and hotels.
Marco: Well, you can definitely stop by then and give me your opinion on my restaurant!

2.Listen to the questions. When you hear the beep, respond with a suitable answer.

1.So, what do you do exactly?
2.How did you here?
3.How long did that take?
4.Marseille is really beautiful, isn’t it?
5.Where do you **e from then?


Imagine you are attending a training course at a beautiful chateau in France and you meet another attendee over lunch. Write a dialogue similar to the one between Marco and Jon. Follow the example of the first question already done for you.

You:This chateau is beautiful, isn’t it?
Attendee: ……………………..............

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