
    2019-06-11发布, 次浏览 收藏 置顶 举报
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  • 网报价格:电询    课程原价:电询
  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
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Useful tips

Successful small talk is not about saying brilliant things. It's a bout **menting and asking about ordinary things with conviction, interest, and enthusiasm.
Match the mood of your conversation partner. If they are smiling and cheerful, be ready to laugh, if they seem serious, be serious too.
Ask where your partner **es form and, when somebody asks you the same thing, be ready to add something interesting about the place.
Ask what your partner does and, when you're asked the same question, don't only give a title. Add a small piece of interesting or amusing information about the job or responsibility.

A: That was really interesting what the last speaker said about open bank accounts in the Cayman Islands.
B: Yes, it was. So, what do you do exactly?
A: I'm an auditor, a forensic auditor.
B: Ah, um, you're a forensic, um, auditor?
A: That's right?
B: Right, oh. I see. Look at the time! I must get to the next presentation…

C: Mmm, lovely coffee! I needed that. I just flew in from London very early this morning. How did you get here?
D: I came on the TGV train from Paris.
C: Really? I've never been on the TGV. How long did that take?
D: That sounds nice. I must try it sometime. Marseille's really beautiful, isn't it?
C: Yes, it is. Have you been here before? If you haven't, you must…

E: …I'm certainly looking forward to the dinner this evening.
F: I am too. Especially the fish. We don't have much fish where I live.
E: Really? Where do you **e from then?
F: Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It's in the mountains just near Munich. What about you?
E: I'm from Cork in Ireland. The high street is supposed to have more pubs than any other town in island.
F: Really? I'm going there on a business trip soon to visit the Apple factory. I must see if I can find time to visit some…

G: …and then I went jogging early this morning along by the sea. Fantastic sunrise**ing up over the sea.
H: Really? Sunrise, you say?
G: Yes, amazing! Do you like jogging? You should try it, you know. It makes you feel really great all day long. Just set the alarm for 5:30, jump out of bed and after you've been running for about an hour or so, go back, have a shower and –
H: Sorry, but do you know where I can smoke? I think I want a cigarette before the next presentation. Ah, that way? Thanks.


Talking about ordinary things with conviction and enthusiasm.
Match your mood to that of the speaker.
When saying where you **e from, and something interesting about the place.
When saying what your job is, add a small piece of information about it as well.


1.Have you ………… here before?
2.Mmm, ………… coffee! I needed that.
3.How did you ………… here?
4.I'm a forensic auditor, which ………… that I help banks make sure none of their staff are doing anything illegal.
5.I'm certainly ………… forward to dinner.
6.I'm ………… Athens. It's a great place to live.
7.Marseille's really beautiful, ………… it?
8.So, what do you ………… exactly?
9.Where do you ………… from then?


Alex: No, it's my first trip.
Sophia: I'm a forensic auditor, which means that I help hedge funds and banks make sure none of their staff [ ]are doing anything illegal.
Alex: It's a beautiful day today, isn't it?
Alex: Really? And do you often find any illegal activities?
Sophia: Absolutely, Ilove New York in the spring. Have you been here before?
Sophia: More than you might expect! Anyway, we'd better get back to the presentation.
Alex: I'm from Athens. It's a great place to live. What do you do?
Sophia: Oh, you must visit the Guggenheim Museum and the Empire State Building. Where do you **e from?

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