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学习资料Confirming or Rearranging Appointments

Saying it clearly

Listen to the following sentences, notice how the tone raises at the end.

A.Could you just confirm where your offices are?
B.Shall I organize a telephone conference?
C.I’m just calling to check that it’s still convenient for us to meet on Friday at 10 a.m.
D.Can I interest you in any other services that we provide?
E.That’s fine. How about Friday morning instead?

Saying it appropriately

When your business partners contact you regarding an appointment, remember to be polite, flexible and to respond to their needs. Your phone is ringing. Listen to four sentences from the same conversation. When you hear the beep, pause and respond, choosing a suitable answer.

A.Fine, thanks. And you?
B.I’ve had better days, and you?
C.I woke up with terrible backache and it hasn’t really lifted even though I’ve taken lots of painkillers. And you?

A.That’s a shame. Never mind, maybe some other time.
B.No problem. Would Wednesday be more convenient?
C.Oh really? It’s just that I’m really busy next week and that’s the only time I’m free.

A.Well, maybe we’ll leave it till she gets back.
B.Dose she really need to be there?
C.I see. Would you like me to arrange a telephone conference?

A.Excellent, I’ll email you with the detail. Would you be interested in any of our other services?
B.I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, then.
C.Can I just check the spelling of that?

Get speaking

You are the customer relations manager for Marlow Construction. Look at two of your diary entries for next week and then make the phone calls to confirm your appointments. When you hear the beep, pause and respond.

Wednesday 10 a.m. Giovanni Fabro, 40 Findon Street – discuss Westdene Hospital building contrast
Thursday 3 p.m. Joy Lee, 20 South Road – update on Queen’s hotel building project

The call to Giovanni
1.Greet him, say who you are and where you work, and ask how he is.
2.Respond to Mr Fabro’squestion and explain the reason for your call.
3.Check that you have the correct address.
4.Ask him to spell it for you and make notes accordingly.
5.Thank him and end the call politely.

The call to Joy
6.Greet her, say who you are and where you work, and ask how she is.
7.Respond to Ms Lee’s questions and explain the reason for your call.
8.Respond appropriately and suggest an alternative time to meet.
9.Respond appropriately and end the call politely.

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