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Useful tips

When making a **plaint, keep the following points in mind.

Make sure you are speaking to the person who is in a position to help you. Ask questions to check who exactly you are talking to and take notes.
Stay as unemotional as possible. Blaming the person you are calling will not help. Separate the problem from the person. Be firm, but polite
State the problem clearly and calmly. Include as much relevant detail as possible, including names, times, places, previous contacts, and so on.
Check when you can expect results/feedback from the person you are speaking to.


Andrea King is phoning Alpine Events to make a **plaint.

Receptionist: Alpine Executive Events Ltd, London. Priti Makesch speaking. How can I help you?
Andrea K: Good morning, my name is Andrea king. I’m the HR manager for Carabella Hotels. Could I speak to your supervisor, please?
R: Can I ask what it’s regarding?
AK: I need to make a **plaint.
R: I’ll just put you through to Mr. Mendip. One moment, please.

George M: Good morning. Ms. King. How can I help you?
AK: Good morning. Could you tell me your name and position, please?
GM: Of course, my name’s George Mendip and I’m responsible for customer relations.
AK: Thank you, Mr. Mendip. I’ll just make a note of that. I hope you can help me. I’m currently attending your team-building training course in Wales with a team of our managers.
GM: The ‘Big T’ course. Very popular.
AK: Well, I’m afraid I’m not satisfied with the performance of your trainer, David Llewellyn.
GM: Oh, dear. What seems to be the problem?
He’s very unhelpful and doesn’t explain himself properly.
GM: How do you mean?
AK: Well, he talks extremely fast and makes all the instructions very **plicated. And if you ask him a question, he just says he’s already explained it. I tried to talk to him about the problem, but he didn’t take me seriously at all. The situation is entirely unsatisfactory.
GM: I see… Well, I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m not sure what I can do.
AK: I’d like you to telephone Mr. Llewellyn immediately and explain that we want much clearer explanations and support for tomorrow’s task.
GM: Well, OK. I could give him a ring.
AK: And could you let me know when you have spoken to him, please?
GM: Yes. I will.
AK: When will you get back to me? Do you have my number?
GM: I think so… Yes, I do. I’ll get back to you by, um, the end of today.
AK: Many thanks. I really appreciate your help on this.
GM: Not at all.


Match the following strategies to the corresponding sentences from the telephone conversation.

Confirm when your expectations will be met
Make sure you’re speaking to the person who can help you.
Set out your expectations to solve the problem.
State your **plaint.

Saying it accurately

Unscramble the words to for sentences to use when making a **plaint.

1.this product/ satisfied/ I’m sorry/ with/ not/ to/ I’m/ that/ say
…………………………………………………………………… .
2.appears/ this product/ with/ problem/ There/ to/ a/ be
…………………………………………………………………… .
3.not / all / this service / I’m / with/ at / happy
…………………………………………………………………… .
4.seem / concerns / to / regarding / There / be / some / this / product
…………………………………………………………………… .
5.replace / Please / you / could / it
…………………………………………………………………… ?
6.today / ensure / you / replacement / that / sent / the / Would / is
…………………………………………………………………… ?
7.email / me / sent / when / Would / has been / be / to / able / you / it
…………………………………………………………………… ?
8.can / you / expect / I / When / hear / to / from
…………………………………………………………………… ?

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