Saying itclearly
Listen to the following different ways of saying no.Note how some sounds are connected, and how some sounds are omitted.
No, I’msorry.
Unfortunately,that’s just not possible.
I’mreally sorry, but that’s not going to work.
I’mafraid not.
I’drather not, thank you.
Thanks,but I have to say no.
I’mafraid I don’t really have the time right now.
Thanks,I’ll get back to you on that one.
Thanks,but no.
Sorry,but that’s out of the question.
Saying itappropriately
Jean is trying to sayno to Johnpolitely. Choose the most appropriateresponse in each case.
1.John:So,shall I put you down for 100 units?
BJean:Thanks,but Ihave to say no.
2.John:Areyou sure?This offer is only valid until the end of the day?
AJean:I'mafraid I can’t make any orders without my boss’sauthorization.
BJean:No, I don't want them.
3.John:Icould even throwin free delivery.
AJean:Not interested.
BJean:I'mreally sorry, but that’snot goingto work.
4.John:Oh, **e on… This isn’t an offer that **es along every day.
AJean: I’msorry, but it’s out of the question.
BJean:Look,I've already said no,haven't I?
When saying no politely,you needto sound sincere. Listen to the following speakers and decide who is using anappropriate tone.
speaker 1sincereinsincere
speaker 2sincereinsincere
speaker 3sincereinsincere
speaker 4sincereinsincere
speaker 5sincere insincere
Get speaking
You are speaking to a salesrepresentative at a trade fair.Play the audioCD to start.When you hear thebeep,pause and respond suitably.
Say nopolitely and explain that you don't have the budget topurchase additionalsoftware this year.
Say nopolitely and explain that you can't change **pany budgetingpolicy.
Say nostrongly but politely and say goodbye.
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