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  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
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Useful Tips

Wheninterviewingfor ajob, thereare four main areasto ask about:
work history
suitability for the **pany and the specific job
goals and ambitions.

Note that it is not appropriate to ask the candidate questions about race,age,marital status,or sexual preferences.These questions are potentially discriminatory.


Mansha Khan is attending an interview for a sales position.The interviewers say one potentially inappropriate thing.What is it?

Chris H:…and so your online resume was very interesting and that's why we asked you to **eforaninterview.I'm responsible for all human resources issues here at Bergerbild and my colleague here, Georgina Harris,is head of the sales department,which is where we currently have a position free.
Georgina H:Hello,nice to meet you.
Mansha K:Hi,nice to meet you too
CH:Fine.So Mr Khan,what do you know about our **pany?
MK:Alot! You’re involved in big overseas infrastructure projectsin south-East Asia,forexample, andamong other things you are currently bidding for…
CH: …and the Kuching metro project was very successful.But **ing back to you,Mr Khan,what doyou feel has been your biggest achievement to date?
MK:Well,I introduced a new process for prioritizing customer visiting schedules for our department and in six months, we managed to increase sales by about 22 percent. My manager was very pleased!
CH:Hmm,Ican understand why so,why would youlike to leave your currentjob?
MK:Well,the sales position that you are offering would give me opportunities to work internationally. At the moment I'm just based in Seattle.
GH:Isee.But what makes you suitable for this job,do you think?
MK: I've been very successful so far in sales and Ithink that can offer a good service to your customers.
CH:Interesting point.What is good customerservice, in your view?
MK: Definitely the most important skill is the ability tolisten to what…
…but of course learning is a never-ending process for anybody in business.
GH: Very true.Now,what are your weaknesses,would you say?
MK:Well my mom criticizes my untidiness around the house,but I guess you don't mean that.Hmm,I suppose I’m not very good at making sure all the paperwork involved in sales is **pleted quickly. You know, I prefer to be out there, going on to the next customer.But ofcourse,I know it has to be done. I'm trying to improve.
GH: Well you are quite young,aren't you?
CH:Right. Now, what are your goals for the next five years?
MK: I hope that Ican also take on responsibility for organizing other salespeople in the future.I see myself in a management position when I have more experience and can share that experience with other salespeople.
GH:OK.Now,what are your salary expectations? For this sales position, I mean?
Mk: Well, I’m sure that a mixture of …


Look again at the fourinterview areas outlinedin Useful tips.Write themalongside the corresponding questions from the interview.

work history
suitability for **pany and role
goals and ambitions

To find out about the candidate's: Questions from dialogue
What are your weaknesses,would you say?
What are your goals for the next five years?
What do you feel has been your biggest achievement to date?
Why would you like to leave your current job?
What do you know about our **pany?
What makes you suitable for this job,do you think?
What is good customer service, in your view?

saying it accurately

Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

challengesrewarding see hire current yourself independently situation greatest right
1.Why should l............you for this job?
2.Do you prefer to work............or as part of a team?
3.Tell me a bit about. ............
4.Tell me about a............whereyouworked wellunderpressure.
5.What are your............strengths and weaknesses?
6.What has been most............…about your current job?
7.What major............have you faced in your current role? Howhave you handled them?
9.Where do you ............yourself in five years?
10.Why do you think that you're ............for this job?

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