
    2019-06-06发布, 次浏览 收藏 置顶 举报
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  • 网报价格:电询    课程原价:电询
  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
  • 授课地址:有多个校区 电联加微信
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Complete the conversation with thefollowing questions.In places,more than one answer may be correct.
Why should l hire you for this job?
What makes you suitable for this job?
What are you goals for the next five years?
What are your greatest strengths andweaknesses?
What do you know about this **pany?
What has been most rewarding about your currentjob?
So Why would you like to leave your currentjob?
Why do you think that you're right for thisjob?
Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
What do you feel has been your biggestachievement to date?


Yiannis:Well,Ithink that I'd be suitable for the position because I'vehad lots of relevantexperience in my previous roles.Also,Ithink I'd be a good fit for the **pany.


Yiannis: Quitea bit.I know that it's the second largest advertising**pany in the country andthat you employ over 500 staff.That's right.Now,tell me a bit about yourself.


Hmm,interesting question.Well,I'm very hard-working andincrediblycreative,as you can see from my portfolio.But,onthe downside,I'm also a bit ofa perfectionist,so I find it hardto let go of a project sometimes.But I'mworking on that!


Yiannis: Thatwould have to be when an advertisement that my teamdeveloped was nominated forBest Local Ad of the Year.It wasgreat to get some acknowledgement for all ourhard work.

Mary:Uh-huh. (5)...…………………………………………………………………………?

Yiannis: Well,I'veenjoyed working for a small **pany and learned alot,but I'd really like theopportunities that are offered byworking for a large **pany,for example,thechance to pitch

to big clients.


Yiannis: I'dlike to be working as a senior advertising executive with anumber of greatcampaigns under my belt.

Saying itclearly

Listen to these questions,notinghow the underlined syllables are stressed
What are your greatest strengths andweaknesses?
Why would you like to leave your current job?
Why do you think that you're right for thisjob?
What are your goals for the next five years?

Saying itappropriately

It is very important that you onlyask questions that are appropriate andprofessional.Tick the questions thatwould be appropriate in an interview.
Tell me about your typical working day.
What's your star sign?
Do you go to church?
What is your greatestweakness?
Are you single?
Are you older than 40?
How would your friendsdescribe you?
Are you a Hindu?
Do you **e from China originally?
What's your greatestachievement to date?

Get speaking

You are interviewing someone forthe position of assistant.Practice the conversation following the cues.Youstart first.

Wel**e the candidate and ask him about his suitability for this
Respond in an encouraging manner and then ask about his strengthsand weaknesses.
Respond in an encouraging manner and ask him to give you anexample of when he multitasked in his current job.

Respond in an encouraging manner and ask him about his reasons forleaving his current role.
Respond in an encouraging manner and ask him about his goals andambitions for the next five years.
Respond in an encouraging manner and end the interview.

更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠等学校信息,请进入 昆明西山区外贸英语培训昆明西山区大学英语培训 网站详细了解,免费咨询电话:400-998-6158

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