
    2019-06-06发布, 次浏览 收藏 置顶 举报
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  • 网报价格:电询    课程原价:电询
  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
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Answer questions fully. Avoid very short answers.
Be sure about the details on your resume,and be prepared to talk about your achievements and experiencein depth.
Research the background of the **pany or organization.
Listen carefully to the questions you are asked.Answer them with relevantinformation.


Karl Everett from Bergerbild is interviewing people for different positions in the European sales team.

Karl:Isee from your resume that you have web design experience as well as in sales.
Candidate 1:Yes,that's right.
Karl:Hmm.That could be interesting for the development of our Internet presence in Europe.Our websiteis very US-oriented at the moment.
C1:Well,it's something I really enjoy doing.In my current job I was part of a team that did a redesign ofthe **pany website and I learned a lot.
Karl:What software can you work with?
C1:Well,I can use Dreamweaver,which is the classic web design tool of course,but I've also gotexperience of using…

Karl:So,do you think you can make a useful contribution to this **pany?
Candidate 2:Oh,yes.
Karl: I see.
C2: Yes.
Karl: Is your previous experience suitable for this position?
Karl:And you don't think it would be difficult moving into a management position?
C2: No, I don't think so.
C2: No, not at all.

Karl:Perhaps you could tell me,what do you know about this **pany?
Candidate3:Well, Iknowyou have beenveryactivein India over thelast fiveyears with the Mumbai City TransitSystem.What was it now?A two billion-dollar contract to provide not only the trains but also all theelectronic equipment for the system,I think.
Karl:Yes,quite a difficult project.We had a lot of trouble with subcontractors.
C3: Yes, l understand it was very challenging. But in the end the project was **pleted on time and within budget.So you must have been pleased with the finalresult.
Karl: That’s true and,of course,it is an excellent reference projectforus…

Karl:Now,could you tell me,what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses,in your opinion?
Candidate 4: Hmm, that’s an interesting question. Well, I think my greatest strength is that I never give up. In my experience,in order to win a customer, you just have to really go on and on looking for a way to give them what they want and then you get the sale.
Karl:True.Andwhat about weaknesses?
C4:Well,I need to improve my team player skills.Like many salespeople I don't like sharing customerinformation with other salespeople,but sometimes it makes the customer angry when he or she getsa visit from two different salespeople with different products from the same **pany.So, I realize it’s necessary to share information,but it isn't easy for me to put this into practice.
Karl:Right.Well,here at Bergerbild,teamwork is very important.
C4: Yes,yes,I agree.I'm just telling you what Ithink is my greatest weakness.And I'm working on it.

Karl:So,perhaps you could tell me,what has been your biggest achievement to date?
Candidate 5:Oh well,I took part in this quiz **petition a few years ago when I was at university.I was the headof the team and we got to the final of the national tournament.And we only just missed out on thetop prize.So,there we were in the final round and the other team came from Cambridge—
Karl:Sorry,I meant more in the way of-
C5:and we both had eighteen points each and the question came up what are the main tributaries ofthe Volga?Now I knew that.
Karl:Imeant what was your biggest achievement at work?
C5:Oh,sorry, yes.Um,well,in my currentjob we have a team which takes part in quiz **petitions in pubs and last year we got to the finals.There we were,facing a team from a pub in Cambridge when…


Which of the five candidates would you hire/not hire? Why/Why not?
Candidate 1
Candidate 2
Candidate 3
Candidate 4
Candidate 5

Saying it accurately

Mach theinterviewquestions withthe appropriate strategies toanswerthem.

1.So, could you tell about yourself?
2.Why do you want this job?
3.How would your colleagues describe you?
4.How do you cope with working under pressure?
5.What is your greatest strength?
6.What's your greatest weakness?
7.Are you a team player?
8.Where do you see yourself in five years' time?

A: Always answer this question with a yes and back it up with examples of times where you have demonstrated your ability to work as part of a team.
B: Answer by emphasizing the positive aspects of your character that other people may have noticed.
C: Answer to show that you are ambitious but not overly ambitious. Make sure you’re your answer implies that you envisage that you will still be working for the target **pany five years from now.
D: Answer with care. If you say you have no weaknesses, then you are clearly lying. But don't choose anything too serious that will make the interviewer lose interest in you. Instead, mention a small weakness, relevant to your work, which you are trying to improve.
E: Don’t give your life story. Simply give relevant facts relating to your education and work experience.
F: Explain how the target position relates to your own experience, personality, and goals.
G: Make sure that you choose a strength that is relevant to a work situation.
H: Emphasize the positive aspects of your character that might emerge in a pressurized situation.

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