Carrying out performance reviews
The purpose of the performance review is for the line manager to review what the employee does, evaluate how well they perform, and discuss objectives for the next year. The line manager should:
discuss the scope of the job,for example the job description,the employee's responsibilities,and anychanges to them.
find out theemployee’s opinion of theirperformance,andthen present theirown assessment supported byevidence.
set SMART-Specific.Measurable,Attainable,Relevant,and Timed-objectives for the **ing year.
Caterina: Black,a senior manager at Chesham Pharmaceuticals,is giving one of her team leaders,Edward Ward,his annual performance review.
Caterina: So,first of all, I'd like to check if we're on the same page regarding your responsibilities.You supervisethe sales staff for the whole south-eastern region,you're a member of the European sales **mittee,andyou coordinate the cooperation between the production team and marketing.Have I missed anything?
Edward: Don't forget,I'm captain of the **pany's basketball team as well!
Caterina: Of course not!Especially after you won the Inter**pany Cup in April.Would you like to addanything else?
Edward:No,I think that's covered pretty much everything.
Caterina:Good.So,how do you feel about your performance this year?
Edward:Well,quite good. I hit all my sales targets we set in last year's review.
Caterina:Yes,that's true.My impression is that you enjoy that part of your work most.
Edward:Hmm,well that is my main responsibility.
Caterina: Quite right. However, working together with the production department is very important and I’ve observed that the cooperation between marketing and production hasn’t really improved. We still seem to have the same problems that we had last year.
Edward: I'm not quite sure what you mean.
Caterina:Production still **plains about lack of advance information from us.
Edward:Well, they are just so inflexible.
Caterina: Iquite agree.But the bottom line is,we have to work together.So,I would like you to establish ajob rotation scheme.I want two salespeople to spend six months in production and two people fromproduction to replace them in our sales team.That way,both departments will get a better idea ofwhat needs to be done.
Edward: oh…but they won't know any of our customers!
Caterina:Well, you'll have to train them.I expect you to organize this by the end of the month
Edward:The end of the month?!
Caterina:Yes.I've spoken to Tom Wilkinson in production and he agrees with me that this is the best way forward. He’ll set up a meeting with you for later this afternoon.
Edward:Isee.Well,perhaps it will help.
Caterina:Good.Now,let’s move on to discuss your development.Looking ahead, I think it would be a good idea if you tookpartinsome project management training.
Edward: Sure.It's definitely something I'm interested in.
Caterina:Good,because down theline,project workis going to be wherethe bestopportunities for promotion are in our **pany.And Ifeel you need to develop your leadership skills.
Edward: Definitely I mean I would really appreciate any opportunitiesI get to improve on that aspect of my work.
Are these statements true or false?
1.Caterina asks Edward how he feels he has performed this year.
2.She asks him if he has any problems at work.
3.She asks him what he thinks about the production department.
4.She describes the various aspects ofhis joband makesure thathe agrees.
5.She discusses his professional development for the future.
6.She sets him a specific objective to meet.
7.She tells him about the future plans for the **pany.
8.She tells him how she feels he has performed this year.
9.She tells him that she is disappointed with his performance.
10.She asks him for feedback on how his team hasperformed this year.
Saying it accurately
Read these interviewer questions and statements.Group them in thecorrect categories,following the example.
Discussing employee's job description:1
Assessing employee's performance:
Setting employee an objective:
Discussing employee's future development:
1.Are you happy with how I've outlined your job description?
2.Down the line,I think it would be helpful for you to develop yourinterpersonal skills.
3.Have I missed out anything that you do in your position?
4.How do you feel about your performance this year?
5.I expect you to have **pleted your review of expenses by Tuesday.
6.I would like you to organize an employee First Aid course by January.
7.I've observed that you are steadily improving in all areas of your job.
8.Is that a fair description of your role?
9.Looking ahead,I think you should work to improve your leadership skills.
10.Moving forward perhaps we could look at management training courses.
11.My impression is that your performance has way exceeded ourexpectations this year.
12.Please could you set up a meeting with all the relevant personnel bythe end of the week?
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