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Carrying out performance reviews

Saying it accurately

Complete the conversation with the following sentences.In some places,more than one answer is possible.

1.Are you happy with how I've outlined your job description?
2.Down the line,I think it would be helpful for you to develop yourinterpersonal skills.
3.Have I missed out anything that you do in your position?
4.How do you feel about your performance this year?
5.I expect you to have **pleted your review of expenses by Tuesday.
6.I would like you to organize an employee First Aid course by January.
7.I've observed that you are steadily improving in all areas of your job.
8.Is that a fair description of your role?
9.Looking ahead,I think you should work to improve your leadership skills.
10.Moving forward perhaps we could look at management training courses.
11.My impression is that your performance has way exceeded ourexpectations this year.
12.Please could you set up a meeting with all the relevant personnel bythe end of the week?

Manager:And so,as personnel assistant,your responsibilities includewriting advertisements for vacancies,selecting possiblecandidates,and sitting in on the interviews with therelevant manager.…………………………
Employee:Yes,that's right,but I also carry out induction days for newemployees and some in-house training for existing employees.
Manager:Oh yes,of course………………………………………
Employee:Well,I think I've done well.I've helped to recruit twenty-three new members of staff and carried out successfulinductions with all of them.
Manager:Yes,I've had some positive feedback on that.As for mypersonal opinion, ………………………..
Employee:That's very encouraging to hear.
Manager:Great.Right,some employees have mentioned to me thatthey would like to receive First Aid training.I'm all infavour of that so………………………….
Employee:Ok.Should that be open to everyone in the **pany?
Employee:Yes,I'd be very keen to go on a management course.Thanks.

Saying it clearly
Listen to these sentences,noting the different pronunciations of‘s’ and ‘th’.
I've observed that you hit all your sales targets.
Have I missed out any areas that you'd like to develop?
Is there anything else that you'd like to discuss?
Moving forward,I think that we should look at management courses.

Saying it appropriately

Listen to the speakers.How do they sound?
1)interested or uninterested
2)negative or positive
3)polite or impolite;assertive or shy
4)diplomatic or blunt; angry or encouraging

Get speaking

You are carrying out a performance review with your office manager, Kamil.Play the audio CD and follow the cues. You start.

1.Outline Kami's job description (in the following bullet points)and askif he agrees to:
maintaining office services
supervising office staff
overseeing office records and efficiency.
Ask if you have missed anything.
2.Ask him about his opinion of his performance this year.
3.Agree with what Kamil says and give him positive feedback on hisperformance this year.
4.Set him an objective regarding the implementation of the secondphase of the office refurbishment:new furniture and equipment forthe ground floor.Make sure that it meets the SMART requirements.
5.Move the conversation on to talk about the future and suggest thatKamil should develop his IT skills and suggest training on this.

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