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Saying it clearly

Note how Emily and Rachel show interest.(Track 11)

Casper:No, not at all. It’s interesting.

Tess:I feel terrible.

Tess:Yes, I’ve been promoted!

Saying it appropriately

Compare the way Emily says the word says really in two extracts from a conversation, which one shows she’s interested? (Track 12)

Extract 1
Casper: For example, in Singapore you discuss prices much earlier in a negotiation than we do in Germany.
Emily: Really?

Extract 2
Casper: Back in Berlin, I play centre forward for the **pany football team.
Emily: Really?

Practise saying reallyin a way that shows interest and enthusiasm.(Track 13)

Listen to the phrases below. Tick those where the speaker sounds as though she means what she is saying. (Track14)
1.That’s wonderful!
3.How azaming!
5.How terrible!
6.That’s awful!
7.Oh no!
8.That’s dreadful!
9.That’s unbelievable!
10.How incredible!

Get speaking

Your boss has asked to talk to you. When you hear the beep, respond to his questions according the following cues. (Track16)

Boss: I’ve got some news. I’ve just found out that they won’t renew our lease on this building, so we’re going to have to find a new office space.
You: (Empathize with your boss.)
Boss: The good thing is that we don’t have to be out until the start of next year.
You: (Echo what he says.)
Boss: And so we’ve got plenty of time to sort everything out. I’d like you to go away and do some research about potential new sites.
You: (Paraphrase what he says.)
Boss: That’s right. And we should put a bit more in the budget for rent next year.
You: (Agree with him.)

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