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  • 网报价格:电询    课程原价:电询
  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
  • 授课地址:惠州惠城区
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Saying it clearly

Listen to the following sentences, underline the words that are stressed.

1.Apparently, the section manager is going to resign tomorrow.
2.She’s been for interviews at other **panies, so I’m told.

Note how the words that imply that you are passing on rumours rather than fact are stressed to reinforce this message.

Saying it appropriately

Listen to these questions and decide whether the speakers are being direct or intimate. Note how the speakers create a sense of intimacy by using a light, friendly tone of voice.

Question 1: You used to work for our new chief legal officer, Christine Bender, didn’t you?
Question 2: Have you spent time in our Washington office?(You’ve spent time in our Washington office, haven’t you, Jay?)
Question 3: You approved our new brochure before it was sent to the printers, didn’t you, Rachel?
Question 4: You know our new CEO, don’t you, Matt?
Question 5: Are you attending our conference this year?(You’re attending our conference this year, aren’t you, Lianne?)
Question 6: You’ve seen our budget for next year, haven’t you, Dan?

Get speaking

You’ve heard that the **pany is planning to set up a sports and social **mittee. Start a conversation with Max, the personnel manager, to try to find out more about it. Use the following cues.

You: (Tell Max the rumour that you heard.)
Max: Uh-huh.
You: (Ask indirectly if he knows about it.)
Max: Yeah, I’ve heard the same thing. But it’s a something that the board isn’t keen on, so I’m told.
You: (Tell him that the CEO’s secretary, Janice, told you that the CEO was very enthusiastic about it.)
Max: Well, that’s good news. Maybe he’ll convince the board in their next meeting.
You: (Ask indirectly if he knows when the meeting might happen.)
Max: No, I’m afraid not. But I don’t think they will approve it this year because they have to wait until the new budget is signed off before making any decisions that might require additional funding.
You: (Ask indirectly if he would want to be involved.)
Max: Absolutely, I think it’s a great idea.

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