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  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
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Useful tips

Be clear and concise about who you are and the purpose of the call.
Use questions to help and guide the person you are calling.
Always use titles (such as Dr, Mr, and Ms) and never first names.
Don’t be offended by hostile behavior. It’s not personal.


Macey Chance: this is Macey Chance from Turner & Young Consultants. Am I speaking to Mr. Given?
Speaker 1: No.

Mr. H:Trancross Power and Gas, project management office.
MC: Good morning. Am I speaking to Mr. Harvey?
Mr. H: Speaking.
MC: Oh hello, Mr. Harvey. This is Macey Chance from Turner & Young Consultants.
Mr. H: Oh, yes.
MC: Do you have a moment to speak to me?
Mr. H: Um…well, yeah.
MC: Thank you. My **pany specializes in helping power industry **panies manage risk, Mr. Harvey. Do you think that’s something that might be of interest to you?
Mr. H: Er…well, we have risk management plans in place, you know.
MC: I’m sure! But may I ask you a question, Mr. Harvey? Do you have plans in place for handling risks generated by climate change?
Mr. H: U, it depends on what you mean exactly. Of course, we have plans in place for damage to our power plants from bad weather.
MC: Well, managing short-term risk is very important of course. But would you like to find out about ways to manage risk caused by long-term adjustments to weather patterns? I’m talking about global warming and the impact that will have on energy supplies.
Mr. H: Um, that’s very unpredictable, isn’t it?
Mr. H: yes, you’re quite right, Mr. Harvey. And very risky. That’s why my **pany specializes in designing plans that minimize the risks for **panies like yours. Would it be possible to arrange a meeting where I could explain our services in more detail?
Mr. H: Well, it could be interesting.
MC: Fine. When’s a good time for you, Mr. Harvey?
Mr. H: Er, let me just check my appointments. Um, how about Friday this week, 2 p.m.?


Read the following stages of the dialogue and put them into the correct order.

She explains what her **pany specializes in and the reason for her call.
Macey Chance checks that she is peaking to the correct person.
She sets up a meeting to discuss the matter further.
She introduces herself and says where she works.
She asks questions to gauge the person’s interest.
She checks that the person she is speaking to has time to talk.

Saying it accurately

Unscramble the words to form sentences to use when cold calling.

A.think / interest / you / you / something / be / that / of / Do / that’s / to / might
B.set / Mr. Lee / Could / meeting / week / we / up / a / for / next
C.Specialize / bespoke software / My / in / **pany / designing
…………………………………………………………………… .
D.Tom Sweeney / Lermans and Ço /is / from / This
…………………………………………………………………… .
E.question / May / Mr. Lee / ask / you / I / a
F.moment / you / have / Do / a /speak / me /to / to

Complete the conversation with sentences from above. Write the correct letter in this space provided

Tom Sweeney: Is that Mr. Lee?
Mr. Lee:Speaking.
TS: (1) ………
Mr. Lee: Uh-huh.
TS: (2) ………
Mr. Lee: I suppose so, yes, go ahead.
TS: (3) ………
Mr. Lee:I see.
TS:(4) ………
Mr. Lee:Yes, it sounds interesting.
TS:(5) ……… Are you currently using software that doesn’t fully meet your business’s needs?
Mr. Lee:Well, yes we have had some issues with it this year.
TS:(6) ………
Mr.Lee:Yes, I’d be interested to hear more.

Match the questions from the conversation on the left to those on the right that sever the same purpose.

1.Am I speaking to Mr. Harvey?
2.Do you have a moment to speak to me?
3.Would you like to find out about ways to manage risk caused by long term adjustment to weather patterns?
4.Would it be possible to arrange a meeting next week where I could explain our services in more detail?
5.When’s a good time for you, Mr. Harvey?

A.When is convenient for you Mr. Harvey?
B.Could we set up a meeting next week to discuss it further?
C.Is that MR. Harvey?
D.Is this a good time?
E.Would you be keen on finding out more about ways to manage risk caused by long-term adjustments to weather patterns?

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