3图认证 学习资料 inevitable ——— 必然的(形容词)英文释义 (adjective) Certain to happen; unavoidable; predictable.例句 Poor health was the inevitable resu 北京通州区剑桥英语培训北京通州区外语培训预约试听
3图认证 学习资料 The standard of service is not good enough. 服务的水平不够好。 The room I booked did not meet my expectations. Good luck Anna! 北京海淀区剑桥英语培训北京海淀区外贸英语培训预约试听
3图 学习资料Confirming or Rearranging AppointmentsSaying it clearlyListen to the following sentences, notice how the tone raises at the end.A.Could you 昆明五华区大学英语培训昆明五华区CET四六级培训预约试听
3图 学习资料 Saying it clearlyListen to these sentences, note how the key words are stressed to make the speaker’s meaning and intention clear.1.I’m t 昆明盘龙区大学英语四六级培训昆明盘龙区外贸英语培训预约试听
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