
    2019-06-10发布, 次浏览 收藏 置顶 举报
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  • 网报价格:电询    课程原价:电询
  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
  • 授课地址:有多个校区 电联加微信
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Saying it clearly

Listen to the following sentences, noting how the syllable stress changes when the word form changes.

1.We'll present our findings to the client.
We'll be doing a presentation in the board room.
2.We suggest that we increase the budget.
That's a suggestion worth considering.
3.Another possibility might be to hire more staff.
Would it be possible to hire more staff?
4.Have you considered the advantages of temporary staff?
I'll certainly take that into consideration.

Saying it appropriately

When negotiating, it is important to phrase your proposals politely and respectfully. Compare the following pairs of sentences.

1.We re**mend that you give us five programmers.
Give us five programmers.
2.We suggest the agreement is for a period of twelve months.
The agreement must be for a period of twelve months.
3.We want a 10 per cent discount.
We propose that you offer us a 10 per cent discount.
When negotiating, you may want to make a positive **ment on a proposal without **mitting yourself fully. Listen to these sentences and repeat them.

1.Well, that's a proposal that's worth considering.
2.We'll certainly bear that in mind.
3.Well, that's something that we should discuss further.
4.Right, we're certainly open to the idea.

Get speaking

You are in a meeting to negotiate a deal with a building contractor to renovate your office. Listen to the audio CD to hear their quotation and then follow the cues. When you hear the beep, pause and respond.

1.Ask the contractor to clarify exactly what that price will include.
2.Reject his proposal as it stands and put forward a counter-proposal of $150,000 including materials.
3.Reject his counter-proposal. Suggest $160,000 including materials. Point out the advantages of working for you because you plan to renovate all your offices around the country next year and so this project could lead to a lot more work for him in the future.

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