实战商务英语(MBG 课程)
PC (小班课)课 有12 个课时, 设计出发点明确,就是让你与老师有更多的个性化互动,重点是帮助你提高准确的口语表达能力。这门课程为接下来的AC 课的活动打下了良好的语言基础。
AC 沙龙课
以提高技能为基础,旨在通过模拟正常商务背景,学练和使用商务沟通技巧,提高语言流利度。这些技能包括演讲、头脑风暴、解决问题、决策制定、商务社交等等。随着课程的深入你其它各方面的技能包括批判性思维、创造性想象、换位思考等都得以增强。AC课中的模拟游戏是对之前三个讲习课的巩固,游戏让学员有机会以更精良和更集体的方式呈现之前讲习课中学到的东西, 并进行团队竞争。
Hi everyone. My name is Giliam Winckler and I **e from Cape Town, South Africa. I was raised in English, Dutch and German. I **e from a multicultural world and have always loved Chinese culture and history. I worked in Xi'an before where I taught private **panies (engineers and doctors) and worked at language centers. I have worked in market research (qualitative and quantitative), entertainment (TV and stage), marketing and education (English First Language for high school) before in my country, so I have had an amazing life where I experienced many different fields and people. I have traveled across Europe, Africa, the UK and Asia too. English is without a doubt one of the most important international languages out there, and at Meten we strive to help you **municate yourself through this amazing vehicle of language. I focus on helping students within their respective fields to learn the English they need and will also need in the future.
更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠等学校信息,请进入 东莞东城区外贸英语培训东莞东城区职场英语培训 网站详细了解,免费咨询电话:18566142676