客房服务日常用语 Edited and Illudtrared by the P&T Dept .of the Golden Gulf
Housekeeping Useful Conversations Recognizing the Guests 迎客入住 Making up
Rooms 整理房间 Laundry Service 洗衣服务 Room Service 送餐服务
Maintenance 维修服务 Tuen—down Service 夜床服务 Tending the Patient
病客服务 Baby-sitting Service 托婴服务 Replenishing the Mini-bar 补充饮料 Morning Call
Service 叫醒服务 Bidding Farewell Guests 送走客人 Useful Expressions 日常用语
Provided by the Room Division Dept .of the Golden Gulf Hotel in November 1996.
第二 Part Recognizing the Guests 欢迎入住 情景:客人走出电梯后,楼层服务员趋前迎候。
要求:面带微笑,站姿文雅,目光亲切,热切温暖地面对客人。 1、早上(下午,晚上)好,先生(女士)!欢迎 Good moming (afternoon ,
evening ),sir (madam) 到我们酒店! Wel**e to our hotel
. 2、欢迎到......楼,我是楼层服务员,如有服务要 Wel**e to the ......floor , I’m the floor
attendant, 求,请随时吩咐。 just let me know if there is
anything I can do for you. 3、请让我带您到房间去。 Let me show you your
room . 4、希望您在我们酒店过得愉快! I hope you will enjoy your stay with us .
第三 Part ll, Making up the Room 整理房间
情景:服务员推着工作车到客房门前,按铃、敲门。 要求:面带微笑,首先询问,征求客人同意后在进行,要尊重客人的生活习惯。操作时动作规
范、迅速。 1、早上好,先生!请问现在整理房间方便吗? Good morning , sir , May I clean your room
now ?
2、您要我什么时候来给您打扫房间呢? When would you like me to clean your room sir
3、您什么时候方便呢? What time would it be convenient for you
4、很抱歉,先生!我整理完这间就去整理您 I’m sorry , sir ,I will clean your room as soon
的房间。 as I finish this one .
Part lll ,洗衣服务
情景:服务中心Call 楼层服员,或客人直接告知其收客衣。
要求:服务员在收客衣时,一定首先要详细问清客人要求的服务种类及送回时间,并解 清楚一
按要求填写清楚,如对加急客衣或超过收洗时间的处理规等。若客人有特殊要求者,应 先通知服务中心,由其与洗涤部取得联系后,方可答复客人。
1、早上好,先生!您有衣服要洗吗? Good morning , sir , Have you any laundry
2、您的衣服要求在什么时候送回呢? What time would you want your laundry back
sir ?
3、您要加急,还是一般洗衣服务呢? Would you like express service or regular
service ?
4、我们加收*的快洗服务费,但4小时便可 We change * more for express service ,
送回。 but it only take four hours.
5、很抱歉,先生!现在已经超过了一般服务收 It’s past the time of regular service, I’m afraid
洗的时间,如果您想在当天送回,请使用快 you have to make it express service if you
洗服务。 them to be sent for you today .
6、请填好洗衣单。 Please sing the laundry list .
Part 1V.送餐服务
1、早上好,先生!我能帮您做点什么吗? Good morning ,sir ,Can I help you ? 2、您想在房间用餐吗?
Would you want me to provides the room
service for you ?
3、敝店提供尚好之送餐服务。 Our hotel provides very good room
4、这是您的挂门餐牌,请在上面将您要点的 this is your door knob ment , just tick off the
菜品打上勾并填好用餐时间,在就寝之前 items you would like to have for your
挂在门外之把手上,或直接跟服务中心联系。 fast ,then write down the suitable time of
and hang it outside your door
before you go to
bed ,or contact with the
service Center . 第六
Part V Maintenance 维修服务
1、先生,您好!您的房间怎么啦? What’s wrong with your room , sir ?
2、很抱歉给您带来不便。 We apologize for the inconvenience .
3、很抱歉,先生!我马上通知维修工(电工) I’m sorry about that , I will call the repairman
去处理。 (electrician) to your room right
away , sir .
Part VI, 夜床服务
情景:夜班服务员推着工作车到客房门口,按门铃,敲门。 要求:面带微笑,尊重客人;动作规范、迅速。
1、晚上好,先生!请问我现在可以给您提供开 Good evening , sir ,May I do the turn-down
夜床服务吗? service for you now ?
2、先生,天将黑了,请问我可否为您将窗帘拉 It’s getting dark , would you like me to draw
上,开启房灯? the curtain and turn on the light
for you , sir?
3、祝您今晚过得愉快,晚安! Have a very pleasant evening , Good night
Part VII 病客服务
1、哦!先生,我听说您感到不适甚为担心。 I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling
您怎么啦(语气惊诧,表示同情)? what’s the matter with you , sir ?
2、您认为我有必要请一位医生到房间来看您, Do you think it necessary for me to send the
好吗? doctor for you ?
3、如有何需求,请及时跟服务中心联系。希 Please contact with our service center if
望您好好休息,祝您早日康复。 is any request and take a good rest . I
hope you
will get well soon .
Part Vlll, Baby-sitting Serivice 托婴服务
要求:主动、热情推销酒店托婴服务,并及时与服务中心取得联系。 1、我店客房部可提供出色的托婴服务。 The
Housekeeping Dept .of our hotel can
provides very good
baby-sitting service.
2、服务中心的兼职保姆均受过良好的培训, The sitters are well-educated and reliable
忠实可靠,且在照顾婴儿方面颇有经验。 They have wide experience in
It’s run by our Service
Center . 第十
Part I X.补充饮料
1、先生,您好!请问可以给您的房间补充 Good afternoon( evening ), sir ,May I restock
饮料吗? the mini-bar for your room
2、您需要何种饮料呢? What kinds of drinks do you like ?
3、好的,我马上送来。 All right , I will send it to your room
Part X,叫醒服务
要求:热情、主动询问客人,并及时告知服务中心主班,然后答复客人。 1、我店可提供叫醒服务,您要在几点钟被 Our hotel
provides the morning call service .
叫醒? what time do you want me to call
you up ?
2、您要叫醒服务吗? Would you like a morning call ?
3、您要电话叫醒还是敲门叫醒? What kind of call would you like , by phone
by knocing at the door ?
Part X 1 送走客人
1、早上好,先生!您要退房吗? Good morning , sir , Are you going to
check-out today?
2、请带好您的行李物品。 Please don’t leave anything behind .
3、您需要找位行李生帮助提行李吗? Would you want me to ask a bellboy to help you
with your luggage ?
4、感谢您下塌我们酒店。 Thank you for staying in our hotel !
5、我们期望您再次光临! We all look forward to having you again
6、祝您旅途愉快! Wish you a pleasant journey!
Part X11 Daily Useful Exoressions 日常用语
1、我能帮您什么忙吗? Can I help you ?
2、早上(下午,晚上)好,先生(夫人)。 Good morning(afternoon , eveing ), sir (madam
3、请这边走。 This way , please . 4、您先请(在通道碰到客人时说)。
After you , please .
5、非常感谢! Thank you very much !
6、不用谢(答复别人向你说“Thank you ” You are wel**e (Not at all , It’s my
pleasure )!
7、祝您过得愉快! Have good time !
8、我明白了。 I understand ( I see )
9、请再说一遍,好吗(当未听懂或听清别人 I beg your pardon? 的话时用语)?
10、很抱歉打扰您了! I’m sorry to disturb you !
11、很抱歉让您久等了。 I’m sorry to keep you waiting for a long time
12、很抱歉给您带来不便。 I’m sorry for the incovenience caused .
13、您还要什么吗? Would you like something else ?
14、请稍等,我马上去拿(当客人告知需求物 All right ,just a moment , I’ll go and get it right
品或服务时用语)。 away .
15、这是您需要的东西。 Here is the ......that you want .
16、我能借用您的电话吗? May I use your phone ?
17、再见,希望再见到您! Good bye and hope to see you again !
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