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该课程适合能阅读中等长度的文章,但无法摸透其辩论性的观点;表达中的语法错误虽少,但表达方式仍较为幼稚;很难听懂中级听力的学生。 就读本课程的学生需完成雅思预备阶段、基础阶段、突破阶段、精品阶段课程。完成课程后对雅思听说读写四项考试达到熟能生巧的程度,达到*以上的做题正确率及雅思6分以上的水平。

该课程适合能较顺利阅读中长篇的文章,但欠缺定位细节的技巧;表达中能运用部分中*语汇及复杂语法结构,但非常生硬、牵强的学生。 就读本课程的学生需完成突破阶段、精品阶段课程。完成课程后对雅思听说读写四项考试达到熟能生巧的程度,达到*以上的做题正确率及雅思6分以上的水平。

该课程适合已通过大学英语四级考试;英语基础较为扎实,但对雅思缺乏明确认识;对长文章/长听力的把握力不够;表达中出现较多*语汇,但缺少用词的灵活性及多样性的学生。 就读本课程的学生需完成精品阶段课程。完成课程后对雅思听说读写四项考试达到熟能生巧的程度,达到*以上的做题正确率及雅思6分以上的水平。


î.考点*一: 学术主题讨论

u.关键词汇:Lecture, tutorial, seminar, presentation etc.




而一般来讲,这些讨论会以lecture/report, tutorial、seminar、presentation等形式展开。




Instruction:Dr. Linda Graycar who is from the City Institute for the Blind is talking about the system of writing for the blind known as Braille.

1. What can the **bined dots represent?

A both letters and words

B only individual words

C only letters of the alphabet

2. What is unusual about the way Braille is written?

A It can only be written using a machine.

B The texts have to be read backwards.

C Handwritten Braille is created in reverse.


Dr. Graycar:Well, it's a system of touch reading which uses an arrangement of raised dots called a cell. Braille numbered the dot positions 1-2-3 downward on the left and 4-5-6 downward on the right, The letters of the alphabet are then formed by using different **binations of these dots.

Student:So is the writing system based on the alphabet with each word being individually spelt out?

Dr. Graycar: Well ... it's not quite that simple, I'm afraid! For instance, the first 10 letters of the alphabet are Formed using dots 1, 2, 4 and 5. But Braille also has its own short forms for **mon words. For example, 'b' for the word 'but' and 'h' for 'have' – there are many other contractions like this.

Student:Can it be written by hand or do you need a machine to produce Braille?

Dr. Graycar:Well, you can write it by hand on to paper with a device called a slate and stylus but the trick is that you have to write backwards . . . e.g. from right to left so that then when you turn your sheet over, the dots face upwards and can be read like English from left to right.

【范例分析】: 范例是一位教授介绍一种盲文体。在教授的演讲中,会有学生不间断的提出一些问题,很多时候,在讲座中穿插的一些问题即考点所在。朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生,在lecture或report过程中,有提问就会有考点!

【范例答案】: 1.A 2.C




Complete the tables below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer.

Dissertation Tutorial Record

Name: Sandy Gibbons

Targets previously agreed

Work **pleted

Further action suggested

Investigate suitable data analysis software

- Read IT 1. ………

- Spoken to Jane Prince, Head of the 2. ………

Sign up for some software practice sessions

New targets

Specific suggestions


Do further work on Chapter 1 (Give the title: Context 3. …….. )

- Add statistics on the

4. ……… in various zones

- Include more references to works dated after 5. ………

By the 6. ………


TUTOR: Hello, Sandy. How have you been getting on with your dissertation?

SANDY: Fine, and I’ve been working hard on the various action points we agreed on our last tutorial.

TUTOR: Do you want to talk me through what you’ve done?

SANDY: Yeah, sure. Well, we agreed on three main targets for me to aim for. The first one was to find out about suitable data analysis software.


SANDY: And what I decided to do was to look through catalogues specializing in IT.

TUTOR: That’s a good idea. What did you **e up with?

SANDY: I found the names of two promising ones.

TUTOR: Right.

SANDY: But I also thought it’d be worthwhile talking to a lecturer.

TUTOR: Oh right. Who did you see?

SANDY: Jane Prince. Do you know her? She’s in the Computer Centre.

TUTOR: Yes, of course, she’s the new Head.(………………………………………………………….)

TUTOR: So, let’s look at some new targets. We’ll start by having a chat about your Chapter One. I very much enjoyed reading it. Your written style is very clear and you’ve included lots of interesting descriptions of education in your target area. I’ve just got a couple of suggestions for some additional work.

SANDY: Of course. Could I just ask – what do you think I should call it?

TUTOR: Well, I’d go for something like Context Review. What do you think?

SANDY: Well, short and to the point.

TUTOR: Exactly. Now, as regards specific areas to work on, I’d be quite interested to have a few more statistics about the schools in the different zones.

SANDY: Oh, that wouldn’t be a problem. I can get them from the Internet.

TUTOR: Great, and although you did make a reference to quite a few different writers, I think you should aim to cite more works written later than 2000.

SANDY: OK. That’s more difficult, but I can try. When do you want that done by?

TUTOR: Oh, it’s not urgent. Um I should aim for the end of term. But in meantime, I think you should also be thinking about Chapter Two.

【范例分析】: 范例是以tutorial形式,发生在学生和辅导老师之间。讨论的内容主要集中在论文的数据分析、软件使用、参考数目及章节题目的设定。朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生,海外留学时,绝大部分的大学里,每一个学生都会有个人辅导老师,在学习或生活中的任何问题都可以寻求辅导老师的帮助。比如论文的写作方式、结构、材料的收集方法等等,均可以事先与导师交流,并征求导师的意见。


1. Catalogues

2. Computer Centre

3. Review

4. School

5. (the year) 2000

6. end of term

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