Mark: Hello, Lorna. How was your interview yesterday?
Lorna: Hello, Mark. I did a wonderful job and they're going to employ me. How about you?
Mark: I am sorry to tell you that I lost the opportunity.
Lorna: Why? You are so excellent. I think you are the most suitable person for the job.
Mark: I paid no attention to the advice you gave me about etiquette.
Lorna: What? Then what did you do?
Mark: When I entered the room, I forgot to close the door. Later, I couldn't help smoking, you know I am a heavy-smoker.
Lorna: You are so careless. You know there are the basic rules you should know before you attend an interview.
Mark: Yes, I know. And next time I must prepare well.
Lorna: Good luck next time.
Mark: Thank you.
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