The albatross received its name from the alcatras, a frigate bird of similar appearance with which the oceanic bird was confused.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the alteration of the first syllable alca occurred by folk-etymological association with classical Latin albus ‘white’ in reference to the predominant colour of the plumage of many species of albatross.
The origin of the word penguin is still a matter of debate among etymologists. It is probably derived from a Welsh phrase pen gwyn, meaning ‘white head’.
词源学学者对peguin一词的来源仍争论不休。有一种说法是它来源于威尔士语pen gwyn,意思是白色的头部。
Apparently, the name was first given to a different bird, the now extinct Great Auk, which closely resembled the penguin in its appearance. It is assumed that the British sailors who first discovered the penguins mistook them for Great Auks and applied their name to the unfamiliar birds.
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