
    2020-10-24发布, 次浏览 收藏 置顶 举报
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  • 网报价格:电询    课程原价:电询
  • 咨询热线:400-998-6158
  • 授课地址:多个校区,电联加微信
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If you are talking medication regularly, you should take what you need with you when you travel. You should also bring a copy of any prescription that you are taking since many drugs are only available by prescription. Drugstores, or pharmacies, sell cosmetics and toiletries as well as many other products.


1.A: I'd like to have this prescription filled.

B: It'll only take a few minutes if you want to wait.

A: Have you got something for chapped lips?

B: Rub this cream on every four hours.

2.A: Could you fill htis prescription for me, please?

B: I'll take care of it right away.

A: By the way, what do you suggest for insect bites?

B: This ointment should help.

3.A: I need to have this prescription filled.

B: You can pick it up in about an hour.

A: Can you give me something for a rash?

B: Try this lotion. It's supposed to be very good.

4.A: Can I leave this prescription with ou?

B: I'll have it ready for you by 5:30.

A: And I'd like something for a sunburn.

B: You might try this. It's a new product.

更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠等学校信息,请进入 成都青羊区英语培训成都锦江区英语口语培训成都金牛区商务英语培训 网站详细了解,免费咨询电话:400-998-6158

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