3图认证 学习资料 to have the time of your life 想要的生活(成语) 英文释义To be enjoying what you are doing very much, possibly more than at any other 北京朝阳区外贸英语培训北京朝阳区职场英语培训预约试听
3图 学习资料 importune ———— 纠缠(及物动词)英文释义 (transitive verb) To make persistent, annoying requests.例句 My aunt importunes me to give her h 北京石景山区外贸英语培训北京石景山区职场英语培训预约试听
3图认证 学习资料 gory details ———— 可怕的细节英文释义 Unpleasant, sickening descriptions; usually involving serious, bloody injuries.例句 I turned off t 北京通州区剑桥英语培训北京通州区外语培训预约试听
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